• Better Particles: BCC 8 AE includes several new filters based on a new, modernized BCC particle engine: Particle Emitter, Organic Strands, and Wild Cards. Targeted toward broadcast design and graphics creation, these filters significantly improve upon previously available particle filters. The new BCC particle engine offers:
- Full 3D camera and lights
- Integration with AE's camera and lights
- Particle Emitter motion that follows an AE mask
- OpenGL rendering and lighting of real 3D objects
- Interaction with an AE 3D layer and particle generation from a 3D layer
- Complex color gradient controls and graph maps for size and opacity
- The ability to Spawn particles
- Image collection files
- The ability to mix and match various custom particle textures
- Various special effects, such as mirror mode and dispersion
- Wind, Sphere Warps, and Sink Points
- Fractal Noise field
• Better Lens Flares: BCC Lens Flare 3D is BCC's next-generation lens flare tool featuring enhanced looks and integration with After Effects. Thanks to GPU optimization, the filter is blazingly fast while providing highly sought-after functionality.Improvements include:
- Support for AE-native camera and lighting rigs
- Built-in 3D camera and lighting rigs for Adobe Premiere Pro
- Ability to automatically apply lens flares to user-defined AE native lights in the composition
- Ability to auto-generate lens flares based on luma values
- Ability to auto-generate lens flares that follow the contour of AE native masks
- Automated flicker feature for lens flare light source, using AE native or built-in lights
- Automated randomize feature to flicker light intensity values across multiple AE lights
- Automated shimmer feature for shimmering light rays
- Edge-trigger feature for boosting light intensity as it approaches and crosses the edge
- Sub-beam feature that generates Star Trek-style photon sci-fi flares
- Colored ring option
- Chroma hoop option
- Chroma fan option
- Lens caustics option
- Customizable lens surface textures with built-in looks
- Chromatic aberration option
• Better Glows: The new BCC Film Glow effect includes a unique Crosstalk feature that blends the color of the glow with the image in a variety of ways, giving you the ability to generate looks that are not possible with other glow filters - a real game-changer for designers searching for new looks!
• Better Lights: BCC's arsenal of lighting options has grown to include a new Stage Light filter that tightly integrates with AE's camera and lights and nicely complements AE's built-in lighting, providing a much-needed volumetric feel.
• Unprecedented AE Integration: BCC 8 AE sets a new standard for AE integration, offering fast workflow and reducing your learning curve to virtually zero. BCC filters take full advantage of the excellent native 3D camera and light system that AE users depend on in their daily work. For path animations and image isolation tasks, BCC 8 filters import vector masks directly from AE layers. And for automated parameter animation, many BCC filters are now able to take advantage of audio data directly from AE audio tracks.
• Better Image Restoration: Undesirable light flicker sometimes plagues irreplaceable camera shots. What can you do about it? BCC 8 AE comes to the rescue with a new Flicker Fixer tool that automatically solves the most challenging flickering light problems. Now footage so critical to your project becomes usable again!
• New Videoscope Tool for AE: Full-featured and easy to use, the new BCC Videoscope filter means you no longer need to switch to a custom UI and deal with work-arounds to check color levels; the scopes are built right in to your Composite window! With vector scope and waveform monitors at your fingertips, you can be sure that you will never exceed legal color limits - while maintaining the overall integrity of your effects. A must-have for AE users!
• 8 New Filters: BCC 8 AE's eight new filters include enhanced lens flares, particles, glows, and lights as well as new flicker reduction and videoscope tools. New Boris Continuum Complete 8 AE Filters:
- Videoscope
- Film Glow
- Flicker Fixer
- Lens Flare 3D
- Stage Light
- Particle Emitter 3D
- Organic Strands
- Wild Cards
• 32-bit Float Support: 32-bit Float Support is included as part of BCC’s GPU implementation and it is equally supported with ATI and NVIDIA graphics cards – with no loss of performance.
Supported Graphics Cards
Many Boris Continuum Complete filters harness the unmatched processing power of modern GPU engines to create stunning visual effects. Almost any graphics card released during the past three years will provide the features necessary to run OpenGL-accelerated Boris Continuum Complete filters. Below is a partial list of graphics cards we have tested in our labs. However, newer versions of these NVIDIA and ATI cards will also be suitable for use with Boris Continuum Complete.
NVIDIA Quadro K5000
NVIDIA Quadro FX 1500, 1700, 1800, 3450, 3500, 3700, 3800, 4500, 4600, 5500, 5600
NVIDIA Quadro 2000, 4000, 5000
NVIDIA GeForce 6800, 7800, 7900, 7950, 8600, 8800
ATI FireGL V3300 and up, V5200 and up, V7200 and up, V8600 and up
ATI Radeon x1900, x1950