Новая прошивка март 2013:
NEX-FS700E/FS700EK V2.0
Zoom locker key on the NEX-FS700E can control a power zoom lens.
The following lenses have optical power zoom function (as of Feb 2013):
- SEL-P18200
- SEL-P1650
- Though the zoom locker key on the NEX-FS700E will be activated, the NEX-FS700E will not have the Digital Zoom function.
- When the SEL-P1650 is used on the NEX-FS700E, distortion, aberration and/or light fall off at the image periphery may occur at wide-angle focal lengths.
Или проще говоря добавлено управление зумом с качельки на SEL-P18200 и SEL-P1650
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