iExpressions - Скрипт, объединяющий мощные возможности экспрешнов After Effects с удобством применения эффектов или плагинов, и позволяет использовать выражения в AE без написания или чтения даже одной строчки кода.
Пакет iExpressions Bundle включает более чем 100 iExpressions в семи различных категориях - и все они поставляются с простыми в использовании и интуитивно понятными интерфейсами, аналогичными знакомым вам интерфейсам эффектов или плагинов, в которых вы контролируете всё, используя настраиваемые параметры.
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More than 100 iExpressions in seven categories:
• Audio: Create audio reactive animations without a single key frame! Audio iExpressions assist you to create animations that react to the audio clips of your composition. There are powerful iExpressions to detect the beats of the music and others to animate AE properties according to the detected beats. You can even combine and mix beats in order to make one property react on several different beats.
01. Beat Detector from bpm
02. Change on Beat Text
03. Change on Beat 3D
04. Change on Beat 2D
05. Change on Beat 1D
06. Beat Switch Text
07. Beat Switch 3D
08. Beat Switch 2D
09. Beat Switch 1D
10. Beat Mixer
11. Beat Detector via Threshold
12. Beat Detector from Marker
13. Beat Detector Automatic
• Layer Placement: Layer placement iExpressions allow to distribute a bunch of layers in space in various ways. You can place layers, for example, in a straight line, on the surface of a sphere or cylinder, in regular grids or just randomly. To all placements you can add some noise to make it a little bit less regular. You can also attach layers to surfaces which is like parenting them, but not to a flat layer but e.g. to the surface of a sphere. Finally there are various Look At iExpressions that help you to orient layers in the way you want.
01. Look At Line 3D
02. Look At Point 3D
03. Look At Line 2D
04. Look At Point 2D
05. Attach to Sphere 3D
06. Attach to Cylinder 3D
07. Attach to Circle 2D
08. Distribute 3D Cylinder
09. Distribute 3D Line
10. Distribute 3D Sphere Evenly
11. Distribute 3D Sphere Random
12. Distribute 3D Circle and Spiral
13. Distribute 3D Grid
14. Distribute 3D Random
15. Distribute 2D Line
16. Distribute 2D Circle and Spiral
17. Distribute 2D Random
18. Distribute 2D Grid
19. Align Layers in Column
20. Align Layers in Row
21. Align to Composition
• Linking: These iExpressions connect a property to another one in a similar way as parenting of layers does. But compared to simple parenting, the iExpressions offer much more flexibility. With links you can get rid of a lot of keyframes and boost your workflow: You can experiment much quicker if you don't need to adjust many keyframes every time you do some changes.
01. Text Link
02. Simple Link 3D
03. Simple Link 2D
04. Simple Link 1D
05. Separate Link 3D
06. Separate Link 2D
07. Linear Link Time Remap
08. Linear Link 3D
09. Linear Link 2D
10. Linear Link 1D
11. Limited Time Parent 3D
12. Limited Time Parent 2D
13. Limited Time Parent 1D
14. Average Link 3D
15. Average Link 2D
16. Average Link 1D
• Movement Modifier: Movement Modifier can be used to modify keyframed properties in different ways. Currently, there is the possibility to smooth the keyframes or to make them snap to a grid.
01. Time Remap at Marker
02. Change at Marker 1D
03. Change at Marker 2D
04. Change at Marker 3D
05. Snap to Grid 3D
06. Snap to Grid 2D
07. Snap to Grid
08. Separate Smoother 3D
09. Separate Smoother 2D
10. Basic Smoother
• Physics Simulations: Add a more realistic, organic touch to your animations by using simulations based on real physics! With the physics simulations in this category, you can move layers in a very realistic ways. You can, for example, "throw" layers, such that they bounce of the ground or walls. You can also swing in your layers like a pendulum or transform the letters of your texts into the wagons of a roller coaster.
01. Cog Wheels
02. Rotating Wheel Linear Motion
03. Rotating Wheel Curvaceous Motion
04. Roller Coaster
05. Throw 3D with Walls
06. Throw 3D
07. Throw 2D with Walls
08. Throw 2D
09. Pendulum
10. Move In & Out 3D
11. Move In & Out 2D
• Source Text: These iExpressions work on the source text properties of text layers. In particular, you can use them to create a news ticker and various kinds of Random Text. You can also combine texts e.g. in order to place an arbitrary text inside a random text.
01. Random Text Mutating
02. Random Text Block Mutating
03. Upper and Lower Case
04. Distribute Text to Layers
05. Scroll Text Terminal
06. Random Letter Wipe
07. Linear Wipe
08. Evolution
09. Appear Disappear per Character
10. Counter Time
• Wiggles: If you have ever written an expression yourself, it was probably the famous wiggle. The iExpressions in this category are various variants of this basic wiggle. You can wiggle a layer, for example, only in a certain direction or with a different strength in different directions.
01. Wave Wiggle
02. Temporal Wiggle
03. Snapping Wiggle 3D
04. Snapping Wiggle 2D
05. Snapping Wiggle 1D
06. Separate Wiggle 3D
07. Separate Wiggle 2D
08. One Side Wiggle 3D
09. One Side Wiggle 2D
10. One Side Wiggle 1D
11. Looping Wiggle
12. Directional Wiggle
13. Basic Wiggle
Changes in Version 1.14:
- fixed issue with Japanese and other double byte languages
- minor bug fixes
• Audio: Create audio reactive animations without a single key frame! Audio iExpressions assist you to create animations that react to the audio clips of your composition. There are powerful iExpressions to detect the beats of the music and others to animate AE properties according to the detected beats. You can even combine and mix beats in order to make one property react on several different beats.
01. Beat Detector from bpm
02. Change on Beat Text
03. Change on Beat 3D
04. Change on Beat 2D
05. Change on Beat 1D
06. Beat Switch Text
07. Beat Switch 3D
08. Beat Switch 2D
09. Beat Switch 1D
10. Beat Mixer
11. Beat Detector via Threshold
12. Beat Detector from Marker
13. Beat Detector Automatic
• Layer Placement: Layer placement iExpressions allow to distribute a bunch of layers in space in various ways. You can place layers, for example, in a straight line, on the surface of a sphere or cylinder, in regular grids or just randomly. To all placements you can add some noise to make it a little bit less regular. You can also attach layers to surfaces which is like parenting them, but not to a flat layer but e.g. to the surface of a sphere. Finally there are various Look At iExpressions that help you to orient layers in the way you want.
01. Look At Line 3D
02. Look At Point 3D
03. Look At Line 2D
04. Look At Point 2D
05. Attach to Sphere 3D
06. Attach to Cylinder 3D
07. Attach to Circle 2D
08. Distribute 3D Cylinder
09. Distribute 3D Line
10. Distribute 3D Sphere Evenly
11. Distribute 3D Sphere Random
12. Distribute 3D Circle and Spiral
13. Distribute 3D Grid
14. Distribute 3D Random
15. Distribute 2D Line
16. Distribute 2D Circle and Spiral
17. Distribute 2D Random
18. Distribute 2D Grid
19. Align Layers in Column
20. Align Layers in Row
21. Align to Composition
• Linking: These iExpressions connect a property to another one in a similar way as parenting of layers does. But compared to simple parenting, the iExpressions offer much more flexibility. With links you can get rid of a lot of keyframes and boost your workflow: You can experiment much quicker if you don't need to adjust many keyframes every time you do some changes.
01. Text Link
02. Simple Link 3D
03. Simple Link 2D
04. Simple Link 1D
05. Separate Link 3D
06. Separate Link 2D
07. Linear Link Time Remap
08. Linear Link 3D
09. Linear Link 2D
10. Linear Link 1D
11. Limited Time Parent 3D
12. Limited Time Parent 2D
13. Limited Time Parent 1D
14. Average Link 3D
15. Average Link 2D
16. Average Link 1D
• Movement Modifier: Movement Modifier can be used to modify keyframed properties in different ways. Currently, there is the possibility to smooth the keyframes or to make them snap to a grid.
01. Time Remap at Marker
02. Change at Marker 1D
03. Change at Marker 2D
04. Change at Marker 3D
05. Snap to Grid 3D
06. Snap to Grid 2D
07. Snap to Grid
08. Separate Smoother 3D
09. Separate Smoother 2D
10. Basic Smoother
• Physics Simulations: Add a more realistic, organic touch to your animations by using simulations based on real physics! With the physics simulations in this category, you can move layers in a very realistic ways. You can, for example, "throw" layers, such that they bounce of the ground or walls. You can also swing in your layers like a pendulum or transform the letters of your texts into the wagons of a roller coaster.
01. Cog Wheels
02. Rotating Wheel Linear Motion
03. Rotating Wheel Curvaceous Motion
04. Roller Coaster
05. Throw 3D with Walls
06. Throw 3D
07. Throw 2D with Walls
08. Throw 2D
09. Pendulum
10. Move In & Out 3D
11. Move In & Out 2D
• Source Text: These iExpressions work on the source text properties of text layers. In particular, you can use them to create a news ticker and various kinds of Random Text. You can also combine texts e.g. in order to place an arbitrary text inside a random text.
01. Random Text Mutating
02. Random Text Block Mutating
03. Upper and Lower Case
04. Distribute Text to Layers
05. Scroll Text Terminal
06. Random Letter Wipe
07. Linear Wipe
08. Evolution
09. Appear Disappear per Character
10. Counter Time
• Wiggles: If you have ever written an expression yourself, it was probably the famous wiggle. The iExpressions in this category are various variants of this basic wiggle. You can wiggle a layer, for example, only in a certain direction or with a different strength in different directions.
01. Wave Wiggle
02. Temporal Wiggle
03. Snapping Wiggle 3D
04. Snapping Wiggle 2D
05. Snapping Wiggle 1D
06. Separate Wiggle 3D
07. Separate Wiggle 2D
08. One Side Wiggle 3D
09. One Side Wiggle 2D
10. One Side Wiggle 1D
11. Looping Wiggle
12. Directional Wiggle
13. Basic Wiggle
Changes in Version 1.14:
- fixed issue with Japanese and other double byte languages
- minor bug fixes
- After Effects CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6
Release Name: Aescripts: iExpressions v1.14 Full Bundle (all iExpressions)
Program Type: After Effects Plug-in
Release Date: April 2013
Interface Language: English
Requirements: After Effects CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6
Размер: 6.48 Мб