Boris Continuum Complete 9 AE v9.0.1 CE for After Effects (Win64)
Boris Continuum Complete 9 AE (BCC 9 AE) - Íàèáîëåå ïîëíûé ïàêåò ïëàãèíîâ äëÿ ñîçäàíèÿ âèçóàëüíûõ ýôôåêòîâ, êîãäà-ëèáî ñîçäàííûé äëÿ After Effects è Premiere Pro CC, CS6 è CS5.x, ïðåäîñòàâëÿþùèé áîëåå 200 ôèëüòðîâ, âêëþ÷àÿ 3D-îáúåêòû, òàêèå êàê ýêñòðóäèðîâàííûå òåêñòû, 3D-ýôôåêòû ÷àñòèö, èíñòðóìåíòû äëÿ öâåòîêîððåêöèè è âîññòàíîâëåíèÿ èçîáðàæåíèé, ýôôåêòû áëèêîâ è îñâåùåíèÿ, îïòè÷åñêèé ñòàáèëèçàòîð, ýôôåêòû ïåðåõîäîâ, èñêðèâëåíèÿ, ñâå÷åíèÿ è êèíåìàòîãðàôè÷åñêèå ýôôåêòû.
 9-þ âåðñèþ BCC âîøëî 30 íîâûõ ôèëüòðîâ è ïåðåõîäîâ.  êàæäîì BCC ôèëüòðå / ïåðåõîäå èíòåãðèðîâàí FX Áðàóçåð, ïîçâîëÿþùèé íåìåäëåííî ïðîñìàòðèâàòü ýôôåêòû. Âñå ôèëüòðû ïîääåðæèâàþò ðàáîòó â ìíîãîïðîöåññîðíûõ ñèñòåìàõ, à òàêæå OpenGL- è CUDA-óñêîðåíèå .
Boris Continuum Complete 9 New Features:
• Stylize Group - BCC Grunge is packed with photo-realistic materials and textures and gives the user unlimited creative control over dirt, dust, bumpiness, and scratches; BCC Edge Grunge gives standard text or logos the etched look of real objects.
• Film Group - BCC Vignette mimics the soft feel of a camera lens projected on screen with added luminosity and defocus controls; BCC Two Strip Process is a one-stop solution for the highly saturated retro look of Hollywood's first color films.
• Image Restoration Group - BCC Magic Sharp restores perfect contrast and makes blurry footage look its best; BCC Lens Correction is specifically tuned to remove fish-eye distortion - a must-have for a GoPro enthusiast.
• Keying and Composite Group - BCC Chromakey Studio combines Boris FX's award-winning Chroma Key process into one new convenient filter that provides users with every pre/post green screen composite tool needed.
• Lights Group - BCC Laser Beam creates beams of light or strobing backgrounds in 3D space and includes a smoke/fog parameter that reacts to the beam as it is animated through 3D space. The filter uses AE's built-in 3D lights and cameras in Adobe After Effects. Adobe Premiere Pro and Avid use built-in 3D lights and cameras created by Boris FX.
• Perspective Group - BCC Pan and Zoom can now rotate images in 3D and offers cropping and other adjustment options.
• Transition Group - 20+ new transitional effects bring the total number of transitions to over thirty. The new transitions are:
- Blobs Wipe
- Blur Dissolve
- Checker Wipe
- Composite Dissolve
- Damaged TV Dissolve
- Film Glow Dissolve
- Flutter Cut
- Grid Wipe
- Lens Distortion Wipe
- Lens Flare Round
- Lens Flare Spiked
- Lens Flare Dissolve
- Lens Flash
- Light Wipe
- Rays Dissolve
- Ribbon Wipe
- Rings Wipe
- Ripple Dissolve
- Tile Wipe
- Tritone Dissolve
- Twister
- Vector Blur Dissolve
- Vignette Wipe
- Water Waves Dissolve
• FX Browser is integrated with each BCC 9 filter or transition. In addition, a special BCC FX Browser filter is available for browsing the entire BCC effects library.
• Open CL and NVIDIA CUDA Acceleration. BCC 9 leapfrogs past technologies with cross-platform NVIDIA GPU acceleration for all compatible graphics cards. Popular filters such as Lens Blur, Film Glow or Film Process render 2X faster than before.
• Adobe Premiere. Mercury engine integration and single track Transitions are available for Adobe Premiere Pro CC.
• Expanded HTML Documentation. BCC 9 now features an overhauled online documentation system filled with examples, tutorials, and product tips.
Continuum Complete 9.0.1 Release Notes:
Feature Enhancements in BCC AE 9.0.1:
- The FX Browser can now be applied to Precomps or Adjustment Layers in AE.
- More than 100 new transition presets.
- Built-in Vignette added to Pan and Zoom.
- Motion Blur now supported for 3D Mode in Pan and Zoom.
- Improved GPU support on ATI systems.
- Help Docs refinements.
- Colored Background option added to Swish Pan.
Bug Fixes In BCC AE 9.0.1:
- Warp - Antialiasing not working.
- Vector Blur Dissolve - Ignore Edge Pixels not working as expected.
- Edge Grunge - Layer Border options not working as expected.
- Film Damage - Error messages when applied to time remapped clips in Premiere.
- Vector Blur Dissolve - Streaks visible on video that has alpha transparency.
- Revise parameter defaults for several transitions.
- Sporadic instability when loading animated presets in the FX Browser.
- FX Browser - sporadic instability in Mac AE when closing the browser or switching from AE to other apps and then back again while the browser is open.
- Extruded Text - Hitting Apply in the text edit window causes other apps to jump in front of AE.
- Extruded Text - Refresh issue when launching the text window with fragments of the window bar being drawn in the wrong place and then not refreshing.
- Cuda driver errors are displayed on some ATI systems which had previously installed NVIDIA cards.
- FX Browser - Saving Workspace does not allow overwriting of an existing one.
- FX Browser - Workspaces save number does not automatically advance beyond 2 on windows.
- FX Browser - Open folders are not always saved and restored.
- 3D Objects filters will incorrectly cache the first layer assigned as texture/bump map, even if that layer has been deleted and another assigned.
- Sporadic instability with 3D Objects filters on windows, especially in Premiere on Windows 8.
- Laser Beam - Motion Blur does not work in Premiere.
- Damaged TV - Triangle and Saw edge shapes don’t animate.
- Grunge - 4K displacement map doesn’t work when 4K media is selected as the layer.
- Grunge - With 'use texture' turned off, displacement map uses source layer as map even when map is set to texture.
- Grunge - Glow in 4K media gets bigger when dropping resolution.
- Lens Flare 3D - Instability in AE when applying to alpha media and selecting images smaller than comp sized as background.
- Grunge - Opacity parameter incorrectly adjusting scratches.
- Vignette - When dropping resolution to third or quarter, the blur shifts unexpectedly.
- Damaged TV Dissolve - Interference shows random gaps in interference on side edge of screen.
- Preset library - Remove outdated presets in some filters which distract from browsing the more important entries.
- Several Jitter presets contain incorrect default Y offsets.
- Sphere Transition - Uses wrong folder for default preset location.
BCC AE Tutorials - Continuum Complete for Adobe Training Videos >>
Filters by Host Application >>
Boris Host Compatibility Matrix >>
Boris Continuum Complete Supported Graphics Cards >>
BCC AE 9 supports the following host applications:
- Win64
- Adobe After Effects CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC
- Adobe Premiere Pro CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC
Program Name: Boris Continuum Complete AE 9.0.1 CE Team V.R private build
Program Type: After Effects Plug-In
Release Date: April 30, 2014
Interface Language: English
Requirements: Win64 / After Effects, Premiere Pro CC, CS6, CS5.x
Ðàçìåð: 199.36 Ìá
Boris Continuum Complete 9 AE (BCC 9 AE) - Íàèáîëåå ïîëíûé ïàêåò ïëàãèíîâ äëÿ ñîçäàíèÿ âèçóàëüíûõ ýôôåêòîâ, êîãäà-ëèáî ñîçäàííûé äëÿ After Effects è Premiere Pro CC, CS6 è CS5.x, ïðåäîñòàâëÿþùèé áîëåå 200 ôèëüòðîâ, âêëþ÷àÿ 3D-îáúåêòû, òàêèå êàê ýêñòðóäèðîâàííûå òåêñòû, 3D-ýôôåêòû ÷àñòèö, èíñòðóìåíòû äëÿ öâåòîêîððåêöèè è âîññòàíîâëåíèÿ èçîáðàæåíèé, ýôôåêòû áëèêîâ è îñâåùåíèÿ, îïòè÷åñêèé ñòàáèëèçàòîð, ýôôåêòû ïåðåõîäîâ, èñêðèâëåíèÿ, ñâå÷åíèÿ è êèíåìàòîãðàôè÷åñêèå ýôôåêòû.
 9-þ âåðñèþ BCC âîøëî 30 íîâûõ ôèëüòðîâ è ïåðåõîäîâ.  êàæäîì BCC ôèëüòðå / ïåðåõîäå èíòåãðèðîâàí FX Áðàóçåð, ïîçâîëÿþùèé íåìåäëåííî ïðîñìàòðèâàòü ýôôåêòû. Âñå ôèëüòðû ïîääåðæèâàþò ðàáîòó â ìíîãîïðîöåññîðíûõ ñèñòåìàõ, à òàêæå OpenGL- è CUDA-óñêîðåíèå .
Boris Continuum Complete 9 New Features:
• Stylize Group - BCC Grunge is packed with photo-realistic materials and textures and gives the user unlimited creative control over dirt, dust, bumpiness, and scratches; BCC Edge Grunge gives standard text or logos the etched look of real objects.
• Film Group - BCC Vignette mimics the soft feel of a camera lens projected on screen with added luminosity and defocus controls; BCC Two Strip Process is a one-stop solution for the highly saturated retro look of Hollywood's first color films.
• Image Restoration Group - BCC Magic Sharp restores perfect contrast and makes blurry footage look its best; BCC Lens Correction is specifically tuned to remove fish-eye distortion - a must-have for a GoPro enthusiast.
• Keying and Composite Group - BCC Chromakey Studio combines Boris FX's award-winning Chroma Key process into one new convenient filter that provides users with every pre/post green screen composite tool needed.
• Lights Group - BCC Laser Beam creates beams of light or strobing backgrounds in 3D space and includes a smoke/fog parameter that reacts to the beam as it is animated through 3D space. The filter uses AE's built-in 3D lights and cameras in Adobe After Effects. Adobe Premiere Pro and Avid use built-in 3D lights and cameras created by Boris FX.
• Perspective Group - BCC Pan and Zoom can now rotate images in 3D and offers cropping and other adjustment options.
• Transition Group - 20+ new transitional effects bring the total number of transitions to over thirty. The new transitions are:
- Blobs Wipe
- Blur Dissolve
- Checker Wipe
- Composite Dissolve
- Damaged TV Dissolve
- Film Glow Dissolve
- Flutter Cut
- Grid Wipe
- Lens Distortion Wipe
- Lens Flare Round
- Lens Flare Spiked
- Lens Flare Dissolve
- Lens Flash
- Light Wipe
- Rays Dissolve
- Ribbon Wipe
- Rings Wipe
- Ripple Dissolve
- Tile Wipe
- Tritone Dissolve
- Twister
- Vector Blur Dissolve
- Vignette Wipe
- Water Waves Dissolve
• FX Browser is integrated with each BCC 9 filter or transition. In addition, a special BCC FX Browser filter is available for browsing the entire BCC effects library.
• Open CL and NVIDIA CUDA Acceleration. BCC 9 leapfrogs past technologies with cross-platform NVIDIA GPU acceleration for all compatible graphics cards. Popular filters such as Lens Blur, Film Glow or Film Process render 2X faster than before.
• Adobe Premiere. Mercury engine integration and single track Transitions are available for Adobe Premiere Pro CC.
• Expanded HTML Documentation. BCC 9 now features an overhauled online documentation system filled with examples, tutorials, and product tips.
Continuum Complete 9.0.1 Release Notes:
Feature Enhancements in BCC AE 9.0.1:
- The FX Browser can now be applied to Precomps or Adjustment Layers in AE.
- More than 100 new transition presets.
- Built-in Vignette added to Pan and Zoom.
- Motion Blur now supported for 3D Mode in Pan and Zoom.
- Improved GPU support on ATI systems.
- Help Docs refinements.
- Colored Background option added to Swish Pan.
Bug Fixes In BCC AE 9.0.1:
- Warp - Antialiasing not working.
- Vector Blur Dissolve - Ignore Edge Pixels not working as expected.
- Edge Grunge - Layer Border options not working as expected.
- Film Damage - Error messages when applied to time remapped clips in Premiere.
- Vector Blur Dissolve - Streaks visible on video that has alpha transparency.
- Revise parameter defaults for several transitions.
- Sporadic instability when loading animated presets in the FX Browser.
- FX Browser - sporadic instability in Mac AE when closing the browser or switching from AE to other apps and then back again while the browser is open.
- Extruded Text - Hitting Apply in the text edit window causes other apps to jump in front of AE.
- Extruded Text - Refresh issue when launching the text window with fragments of the window bar being drawn in the wrong place and then not refreshing.
- Cuda driver errors are displayed on some ATI systems which had previously installed NVIDIA cards.
- FX Browser - Saving Workspace does not allow overwriting of an existing one.
- FX Browser - Workspaces save number does not automatically advance beyond 2 on windows.
- FX Browser - Open folders are not always saved and restored.
- 3D Objects filters will incorrectly cache the first layer assigned as texture/bump map, even if that layer has been deleted and another assigned.
- Sporadic instability with 3D Objects filters on windows, especially in Premiere on Windows 8.
- Laser Beam - Motion Blur does not work in Premiere.
- Damaged TV - Triangle and Saw edge shapes don’t animate.
- Grunge - 4K displacement map doesn’t work when 4K media is selected as the layer.
- Grunge - With 'use texture' turned off, displacement map uses source layer as map even when map is set to texture.
- Grunge - Glow in 4K media gets bigger when dropping resolution.
- Lens Flare 3D - Instability in AE when applying to alpha media and selecting images smaller than comp sized as background.
- Grunge - Opacity parameter incorrectly adjusting scratches.
- Vignette - When dropping resolution to third or quarter, the blur shifts unexpectedly.
- Damaged TV Dissolve - Interference shows random gaps in interference on side edge of screen.
- Preset library - Remove outdated presets in some filters which distract from browsing the more important entries.
- Several Jitter presets contain incorrect default Y offsets.
- Sphere Transition - Uses wrong folder for default preset location.
BCC AE Tutorials - Continuum Complete for Adobe Training Videos >>
Filters by Host Application >>
Boris Host Compatibility Matrix >>
Boris Continuum Complete Supported Graphics Cards >>
BCC AE 9 supports the following host applications:
- Win64
- Adobe After Effects CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC
- Adobe Premiere Pro CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC
Program Name: Boris Continuum Complete AE 9.0.1 CE Team V.R private build
Program Type: After Effects Plug-In
Release Date: April 30, 2014
Interface Language: English
Requirements: Win64 / After Effects, Premiere Pro CC, CS6, CS5.x
Ðàçìåð: 199.36 Ìá