Aescripts: Mettle SkyBox v1.0 for After Effects
Mettle SkyBox - Плагин для After Effects, позволяющий легко генерировать 360-градусную анимацию из вашей композиции и карты отражений, используя все ваши любимые плагины After Effects. Великолепный инструмент производства!
Mettle SkyBox состоит из двух компонентов:
SkyBox Creator - Скрипт, который создаёт 360-градусную анимацию из вашей композиции. Он автоматически генерирует шесть камер, рендерит и без проблем сшивает их вместе. Это как поездка на машине Google-car через вашу композицию. И вы можете обновить композицию и обновить вывод.
SkyBox Converter - Плагин, преобразующий между проекциями кубических, прямоугольных и сферических форматов. Все математические расчеты и визуалиазия производятся быстро и качественно.
SkyBox совместим с After Effects 3D, и AE-плагинами, такими, как Mettle ShapeShifter AE, FreeForm Pro, Element 3D и Zaxwerks, позволяет импортировать данные в ваше любимые 3D приложения, такие как Maya, Cinema 4D, 3ds Max, Houdini и Modo. Используйте всю мощь After Effects для создания красивых сложных сред в 3D-окружении с 3D-плагинами.
Use SkyBox generated Maps with:
- After Effects 3D PLUG-INS:
You can create reflection maps and/or environment maps for use with After Effects 3D plugins like Element 3D, FreeForm Pro, Shapeshifter & Zaxwerks. Pretty much any 3D plugin that will accept and use AE layers as reflection or environment maps.
- 3D APPLICATIONS: Use these reflection maps and/or environment maps with 3D applications like 3ds Max, Blender, Cinema 4D, Lightwave, Maya, Modo etc. Create amazing environments by tapping into the rich motion graphics offerings in After Effects to generate stills and sequences that cannot be done as easily in 3D.
- 3D GAMES: Use SkyBox with the Unreal Engine or Unity 3D to create elements for your level design. Create a unique world of your own.
- WEBGL: SkyBoxes have been supported in hardware in openGL and now in webGL for quite a while. With Mettle’s SkyBox you can now create rich & unique environments using After Effects for your webGL projects.
- YOUTUBE 360 FORMAT: Google’s Youtube 360 format is growing in popularity and Mettle’s SkyBox is the perfect tool to help you bring your own creations into this format. Youtube 360 requires the Equirectangular map format. SkyBox Converter supports this format (along with Cubic Maps and Spherical Maps). You will also need to add some data to your file. Google made this easy, please see:
- DOME PROJECTIONS: SkyBox Converter can take any Cubic Cross or Equirectangular Map (as pictured on the next page) and can convert them to the Spherical that many Dome projections use.
- VR APPLICATIONS LIKE OCULUS RIFT: SkyBox Converter can take any Cubic Cross or Spherical (as pictured on the next page) and can convert to the Equirectangular format that many VR applications like Oculus Rift require.
- After Effects CC 2014, CC, CS6
Changes in version 1.0:
- First release of the script!
Release Name: Aescripts: Mettle SkyBox v1.0
Program Type: After Effects Plug-in
Release Date: May 12, 2015
Interface Language: English
Requirements: After Effects CC 2014, CC, CS6
Размер файла: 16.7Mb
Aescripts: Rowbyte Buena Depth Cue v2.5.1 CE for After Effects
Rowbyte Buena Depth Cue - Инновационный подход к созданию визуальной глубины. Buena Depth Cue набор из шести плагинов, позволяющих создавать реалистичные эффекты глубины 3D-слоями. Самые инновационные клипы и композиции сделаны на основе плагинов для создания визуальных глубин в After Effects. Buena Depth Cue имеет наиболее новаторский подход, для создания визуальной глубины в AE-композициях. Используя композиции на основе эффектов, таких, как Rack Focus, спад света или туман, можно имитировать Z-глубину вашей композиции таким образом, что просто не может быть сделано с помощью применения глубины резкости.
Buena Depth Cue Includes:
• Depth: The Depth plugin creates grayscale depth maps from your footage. You can also "precomposite depth" allowing for more manipulation with your 3D camera.
• Falloff Lighting: The Falloff Lighting plugin for After Effects provides a lighting system that mimics the way objects appear dimmer the further away they are from the lights illuminating them. With After Effects’ built-in lights, it doesn’t matter how far away a layer is from a light, it is still illuminated the same amount by that light.
• Atmosphere: The atmosphere plugin for After Effects simulates atmospheric conditions such as haze and fog in your composition. Layers further away from the camera appear to be more deeply immersed in the haze/fog than layers closer to the camera. This also applies to parts of layers: If part of a layer is near the camera and part of it is far away, the pixels near the camera will appear less immersed in the haze/fog than the pixels far away from the camera. You can simulate very realistic or very unrealistic types of atmospheric effects using the Atmosphere plugin.
• Rack Focus: The Rack Focus plugin allows you to simulate depth of field effects. When applied, layers (or parts of layers) that are near or far from the camera are blurred, while layers (or pixels) in the mid ground are in focus. This allows you to create nice focus pulls and other related effects.
• Camera Mapper: The Camera Mapper plugin allows you to simulate a 3D scene from 2D footage. It enables you to isolate one or several objects in your footage, project these objects on a separate layer and pull that layer out of the background, creating the visual illusion of the object floating in front of the original footage. Camera mapping is a key part of compositing applications such as Nuke, and while you could do this natively in After Effects, it would be only at the expense of some complicated work arounds that cost time and lack important capabilities. When applied, you can move a camera around the scene with objects from the scene at varying depths and angles.
• Flipside: The Flipside plug-in does one simple thing: it maps one layer onto the back side of another layer. This allows you to flip the front layer over to reveal the back layer. It does this without creating any gap between the 2 layers, and without the occlusion problems that sometimes show up when trying to put 2 layers very close together in a composition.
Host Compatibility:
- After Effects CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5, CS4, CS3
Changes in version 2.5.1:
- Fixes critical bugs with CS6 and CC
Program Name: Rowbyte Buena Depth Cue v2.5.1 CE Tream V.R private build
Program Type: After Effects plug-ins
Release Date: Aug 29 2013
Interface Language: English
Requirements: After Effects CC - CS3
Размер файла: 11.7 Mb
Mettle SkyBox - Плагин для After Effects, позволяющий легко генерировать 360-градусную анимацию из вашей композиции и карты отражений, используя все ваши любимые плагины After Effects. Великолепный инструмент производства!
Mettle SkyBox состоит из двух компонентов:
SkyBox Creator - Скрипт, который создаёт 360-градусную анимацию из вашей композиции. Он автоматически генерирует шесть камер, рендерит и без проблем сшивает их вместе. Это как поездка на машине Google-car через вашу композицию. И вы можете обновить композицию и обновить вывод.
SkyBox Converter - Плагин, преобразующий между проекциями кубических, прямоугольных и сферических форматов. Все математические расчеты и визуалиазия производятся быстро и качественно.
SkyBox совместим с After Effects 3D, и AE-плагинами, такими, как Mettle ShapeShifter AE, FreeForm Pro, Element 3D и Zaxwerks, позволяет импортировать данные в ваше любимые 3D приложения, такие как Maya, Cinema 4D, 3ds Max, Houdini и Modo. Используйте всю мощь After Effects для создания красивых сложных сред в 3D-окружении с 3D-плагинами.
Use SkyBox generated Maps with:
- After Effects 3D PLUG-INS:
You can create reflection maps and/or environment maps for use with After Effects 3D plugins like Element 3D, FreeForm Pro, Shapeshifter & Zaxwerks. Pretty much any 3D plugin that will accept and use AE layers as reflection or environment maps.
- 3D APPLICATIONS: Use these reflection maps and/or environment maps with 3D applications like 3ds Max, Blender, Cinema 4D, Lightwave, Maya, Modo etc. Create amazing environments by tapping into the rich motion graphics offerings in After Effects to generate stills and sequences that cannot be done as easily in 3D.
- 3D GAMES: Use SkyBox with the Unreal Engine or Unity 3D to create elements for your level design. Create a unique world of your own.
- WEBGL: SkyBoxes have been supported in hardware in openGL and now in webGL for quite a while. With Mettle’s SkyBox you can now create rich & unique environments using After Effects for your webGL projects.
- YOUTUBE 360 FORMAT: Google’s Youtube 360 format is growing in popularity and Mettle’s SkyBox is the perfect tool to help you bring your own creations into this format. Youtube 360 requires the Equirectangular map format. SkyBox Converter supports this format (along with Cubic Maps and Spherical Maps). You will also need to add some data to your file. Google made this easy, please see:
- DOME PROJECTIONS: SkyBox Converter can take any Cubic Cross or Equirectangular Map (as pictured on the next page) and can convert them to the Spherical that many Dome projections use.
- VR APPLICATIONS LIKE OCULUS RIFT: SkyBox Converter can take any Cubic Cross or Spherical (as pictured on the next page) and can convert to the Equirectangular format that many VR applications like Oculus Rift require.
- After Effects CC 2014, CC, CS6
Changes in version 1.0:
- First release of the script!
Release Name: Aescripts: Mettle SkyBox v1.0
Program Type: After Effects Plug-in
Release Date: May 12, 2015
Interface Language: English
Requirements: After Effects CC 2014, CC, CS6
Размер файла: 16.7Mb
Aescripts: Rowbyte Buena Depth Cue v2.5.1 CE for After Effects
Rowbyte Buena Depth Cue - Инновационный подход к созданию визуальной глубины. Buena Depth Cue набор из шести плагинов, позволяющих создавать реалистичные эффекты глубины 3D-слоями. Самые инновационные клипы и композиции сделаны на основе плагинов для создания визуальных глубин в After Effects. Buena Depth Cue имеет наиболее новаторский подход, для создания визуальной глубины в AE-композициях. Используя композиции на основе эффектов, таких, как Rack Focus, спад света или туман, можно имитировать Z-глубину вашей композиции таким образом, что просто не может быть сделано с помощью применения глубины резкости.
Buena Depth Cue Includes:
• Depth: The Depth plugin creates grayscale depth maps from your footage. You can also "precomposite depth" allowing for more manipulation with your 3D camera.
• Falloff Lighting: The Falloff Lighting plugin for After Effects provides a lighting system that mimics the way objects appear dimmer the further away they are from the lights illuminating them. With After Effects’ built-in lights, it doesn’t matter how far away a layer is from a light, it is still illuminated the same amount by that light.
• Atmosphere: The atmosphere plugin for After Effects simulates atmospheric conditions such as haze and fog in your composition. Layers further away from the camera appear to be more deeply immersed in the haze/fog than layers closer to the camera. This also applies to parts of layers: If part of a layer is near the camera and part of it is far away, the pixels near the camera will appear less immersed in the haze/fog than the pixels far away from the camera. You can simulate very realistic or very unrealistic types of atmospheric effects using the Atmosphere plugin.
• Rack Focus: The Rack Focus plugin allows you to simulate depth of field effects. When applied, layers (or parts of layers) that are near or far from the camera are blurred, while layers (or pixels) in the mid ground are in focus. This allows you to create nice focus pulls and other related effects.
• Camera Mapper: The Camera Mapper plugin allows you to simulate a 3D scene from 2D footage. It enables you to isolate one or several objects in your footage, project these objects on a separate layer and pull that layer out of the background, creating the visual illusion of the object floating in front of the original footage. Camera mapping is a key part of compositing applications such as Nuke, and while you could do this natively in After Effects, it would be only at the expense of some complicated work arounds that cost time and lack important capabilities. When applied, you can move a camera around the scene with objects from the scene at varying depths and angles.
• Flipside: The Flipside plug-in does one simple thing: it maps one layer onto the back side of another layer. This allows you to flip the front layer over to reveal the back layer. It does this without creating any gap between the 2 layers, and without the occlusion problems that sometimes show up when trying to put 2 layers very close together in a composition.
Host Compatibility:
- After Effects CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5, CS4, CS3
Changes in version 2.5.1:
- Fixes critical bugs with CS6 and CC
Program Name: Rowbyte Buena Depth Cue v2.5.1 CE Tream V.R private build
Program Type: After Effects plug-ins
Release Date: Aug 29 2013
Interface Language: English
Requirements: After Effects CC - CS3
Размер файла: 11.7 Mb