Установить локальный порт в 9920 (по умолчанию), созданные правила брандмауэра, я не знаю, что делать больше: Smile_bm: смотрите скриншот.
PS: Обратите внимание, я работаю на виртуальной машине VMware
Hello friends, is happening something with the Scenarist BD v5.1.3 that I can not know how to fix it. Once I created the project with the BD Reauthor Pro 2.3.2, load it into the Scenarist and everything works fine but at the moment of process with the Mux option the Mux Remoting Server always is waiting forever for response, it not process anything.
I set the Localhost port in 9920 (by default), created the rules of the firewall, I do not know what to do more : Smile_bm:
ps: note i am working on a VMware virtual machine
See screenshot.