Imagineer Systems mocha Pro

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Imagineer Systems mocha Pro

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  1. #1

    Imagineer Systems mocha Pro

    Imagineer Systems mocha Pro 4 v4.0.1 build 9018

    mocha Pro - самый мощный полнофункциональный инструмент для 2D трекинга и ротоскопинга, основанный на уникальной системе 2.5D планарного трекинга, помогает художникам визуальных эффектов упростить и значительно ускорить работу по трекингу и ротоскопингу, предоставляя возможность быстро генерировать точные точки привязки, данные по которым могут быть экспортированы в наиболее популярные программные пакеты монтажа и композитинга: After Effects, Final Cut Pro, Motion, Flame, Smoke, Combustion, Avid DS, Quantel generationQ, Shake, Digital Fusion и Nuke.

    Скрытый текст

    • one tool, all the features - 64 bit optimized
    • object removals & clean plate generation
    • lens distortion correction
    • offset & 3D offset tracking
    • insert compositing & mesh warper
    • planar tracking & roto export to After Effects, Flame, Nuke & more

    Planar tracking innovation. mocha is a stand alone tracking & roto software designed to complement any compositing and finishing environment. mocha's unique planar tracker and streamlined interface allows artists to easily track shots where point trackers fail: shots with noise, shots with motion blur and shots that go offscreen or are obscured. Artists can quickly and easily solve difficult tracks and export transform, scale, rotation and perspective keyframe data to the industry's most popular packages such as After Effects, Final Cut Pro, Motion, Flame, Smoke, Combustion, Avid DS, Quantel generationQ, Shake, Digital Fusion and Nuke. Tracking screen inserts and stabilizing camera jitter has never been easier!

    Rotoscoping and matte creation. Isolating and extracting objects is at the heart of all visual effects compositing and 2D to 3D conversion projects. mocha's advanced bezier and x-spline shape creation tools give compositors the tools they need to create highly accurate and realistic roto mattes with variable edge feathering. Linking shapes to the planar tracker allows the artist to create mattes with far less manual keyframes. mocha can render mattes with motion blur for any as well as export shape data for Flame/Flint/Inferno, Shake, Combustion, After Effects and Final Cut Pro.

    • Resolution & Frame Rate Independent Visual Effects Software
    • Stereoscopic 3D Workflow
    • 2.5D Planar Tracking
    • AdjustTrack Module
    • X-spline and Bezier roto tools with per-point edge feathering
    • Roto tools: Transform Tool & Join Layers
    • Layer Manager: color spline, color fill, group layers, multi-select & project merge
    • 3D Camera Solve Module
    • Dopesheet keyframe editor
    • OGL accelerated matte rendering with motion blur
    • Customizable Keyboard Shortcuts
    • Removal Module: Auto-object removals with optional clean plate inserts
    • Lens Module: Lens distortion analysis with distort & undistort render function
    • Render Distortion Maps (Rasterized ST Maps)
    • Import and use External Distortion Maps in all mocha Pro modules
    • Insert Module: 2D match move compositing with motion blur render
    • Offset & 3D offset surface composting & track export
    • Mesh Warper distortion tool
    • Color Fill Shape Rendering (Export to Nuke Rotopaint and mocha shape for After Effects)

    Export track data to:
    • Autodesk: Flame, Smoke, Flare
    • Adobe After Effects CS3 – Creative Cloud
    • Apple: Final Cut Pro v7
    • Apple Motion 4, 5
    • Apple Shake
    • Avid|DS
    • Assimilate Scratch v7
    • Quantel generationQ
    • Eyeon Fusion
    • Nuke & Nuke X
    • Boris FX: BCC Continuum Track Format: (supports Adobe Premiere, After Effects, Avid Media Composer, Symphony & Sony Vegas Pro)

    Export roto data to:
    • Apple: Final Cut Pro (with mocha shape for Final Cut plug-in)
    • Autodesk Flame, Smoke, Combustion: GMasks
    • Nuke & Nuke X
    • Adobe After Effects CS3 – CC (with mocha shape for After Effects plug-in)
    • Adobe After Effects CS6 – CC (paste to mask)
    • Adobe Premiere Pro (paste to mask)
    • Eyeon Fusion (via ssf export)
    • Shake

    Export 3D Camera
    • Adobe After Effects CS4 – CC
    • FBX for Nuke
    • FBX for Autodesk Maya, Flame & Smoke. Cinema 4D
    • HitFilm 2 Ultimate

    Export Lens Data
    • Adobe After Effects CS4-CC (with mocha Lens plug-in)
    • Nuke, Flame, Fusion (with rendered ST Maps)

    New features in mocha v4:
    mocha 4.0.0 contains new functionality and major changes to workflow
    1. Streamlined Interface - We have changed a number of things in the mocha interface to streamline workflow.
    2. Retina Support - We have converted the interface over to full Retina support for OS X. This will result in a crisper look for those on recent Apple
    3. Icon and Button Changes - We have consolidated a number of icons into single buttons to reduce interface clutter
    4. Workflow changes
    - Project settings are now independent of clip settings
    - Clips can now have multiple streams of footage
    - Overhauled frame offsets
    5. Stereo Workflow - A major change to mocha’s workflow is being able to choose between working on mono or stereo projects. You can now import stereo views and track, render and export back to stereo.
    6. New Export Formats - In addition to exporting to Stereo format, we have added new export data formats.
    7. Python Support - We now support Python in mocha Pro via the mocha module. Python functionality has its own separate documentation. You can find this in the help menu.
    8. Keyboard Shortcut Customisation - You can now customise keyboard shortcuts for almost every tool, action and menu item in mocha v4.

    New features in mocha v4.0.1:
    • RED Dragon support: We have updated RED support to include Dragon 6K footage.
    • Feathered Remove support: You can now use feathered edges on splines for Remove.
    • Enhanced Linear Controls for Parameter fields: You can now drag anywhere inside a field when using Linear Controls. You can also use Shift or Control modifiers to increase or decrease mouse sensitivity.
    • Locked shortcut Profiles are now highlighted: It is now easier to see which shortcut profiles are locked and which are editable.
    • Learning Edition save warnings: We now alert you if you are about to save a file in Learning Edition mode. This is to avoid overwriting licensed project files if they are opened in LE mode.
    • Export multiple layers to Gmask: You can now export more than one layer at a time when exporting to a single Gmask file.
    • Flame 2014 Exports: We now support Flame 2014 tracker and stabilizer exports.
    • Support for new Mac Pros: License activation on the latest Mac Pros is now supported.
    • Edge width subtraction: You can now add or subtract an edge width in Edge Properties.

    Technical specs:
    - Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP Professional SP2 or higher, Windows Vista Business or Ultimate, on x64.
    - Recommended Hardware Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo or equivalent
    - Memory: 4 GB+
    - Disk: High-speed disk array
    - Graphics Card: NVDIA Quadro FX 1500 or equivalent
    - Monitor: 1920x1080 or higher
    - Network: Must have an enabled network adapter (wifi or ethernet)
    - Minimal Requirements:
    - Processor: At least 1-GHz Pentium IV
    - Disk: At least 1 GB
    - Memory: At least 1 GB
    - Graphics card: Must support OpenGL
    - Monitor: Minimum resolution 1200x800 pixels
    - Network: Must have an enabled network adapter (wifi or ethernet)

    Program Name: mocha Pro 4 v4.0.1 build 9018
    Release Date: 05.09.2014
    Interface Language: English
    Platform: Windows XP/Vista/7/8 64-bit
    File Size: 46.22Mb

  2. #2
    Imagineer Systems mocha PRO V4.1.0.9404 CE with After Effects integration

    mocha Pro - Самый мощный полнофункциональный инструмент для 2D трекинга и ротоскопинга, основанный на уникальной системе 2.5D планарного трекинга, помогает художникам визуальных эффектов упростить и значительно ускорить работу по трекингу и ротоскопингу, предоставляя возможность быстро генерировать точные точки привязки, данные по которым могут быть экспортированы в наиболее популярные программные пакеты монтажа и композитинга: After Effects, Final Cut Pro, Motion, Flame, Smoke, Combustion, Avid DS, Quantel generationQ, Shake, Digital Fusion и Nuke.


    - 2.5D planar tracking
    - AdjustTrack module
    - 64 bit optimized
    - Improved user interface
    - OGL accelerated matte rendering with motion blur
    - X-spline and Bezier roto tools with per-point edge feathering
    - Stabilize & smooth module with AutoFill render
    - Open EXR Support
    - Automatic object and rig removal module with optional clean plate inserts
    - Lens distortion analysis with distort & undistort render function
    - Insert composite module
    - Offset & 3D offset surface composting & track export
    - Mesh warper distortion tool
    - Multi-pass rendering (render matte, fill, comp)
    - RED (R3D) file support
    - Lens Improvements: Export Distortion Maps to AE, Nuke, Flame, Fusion & more
    - Improved Roto: Transform Tool and Join Layers (parent control points)
    - Project Management: Organize and group layers. Share and merge projects
    - Dope Sheet: keyframe editor simplifies animation retiming, copy & paste

    Export track data to:
    - Autodesk: Flame, Smoke, Combustion
    - Adobe After Effects
    - Apple: Final Cut Pro & Finl Cut Express
    - Apple Motion
    - Apple Shake
    - Avid|DS
    - Quantel generationQ (requires free mocha for Quantel plug-in)
    - Eyeon Fusion
    - Nuke

    Export roto data to:
    - Apple: Final Cut Pro (with mocha shape for Final Cut plug-in)
    - Autodesk Flame, Smoke, Combustion: GMasks
    - Nuke & Nuke X
    - After Effects (with mocha shape for After Effects plug-in)
    - Eyeon Fusion (via ssf export)
    - Shake

    File Formats Supported:
    Mocha supports most standard movie clip and image sequence formats. In order to use clips (i.e. not image sequences) you must have QuickTime installed. Level of QuickTime support can vary depending on the operating system.
    Movie clip formats:
    - AVI files (.avi)
    - DV Stream files (.dv)
    - MP4 files (.mp4)
    - MPG files (.mpg)
    - QuickTime Movie files (.mov and .qt)
    - RED files (.r3d)
    Image formats:
    - OpenEXR files (.exr)
    - Cineon files (.cin)
    - DPX files (.dpx)
    - JPEG files (.jpg and .jpeg)
    - PNG files (.png)
    - SGI files (.bw, .iris, .rgb, .rgba and .sgi)
    - TGA files (.tga)
    - TIFF files (.tif and .TIFF)

    Not Directly Supported:
    These formats are either not supported directly by mocha or require additional plugins for QuickTime or your system.
    Movie clip formats:
    - AVCHD files (.mts and .m2t)
    - Windows Media files (.wmv)
    - Cineform files (without supporting codec)
    Image formats:
    - RAW image files (.RAW)

    Recommended System Requirements
    - Windows x64
    - Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo or equivalent
    - Memory: 4 GB
    - Disk: High-speed disk array
    - Graphics Card: NVDIA Quadro FX 1500 or equivalent
    - Monitor: 1920x1200
    - Network: Must have an enabled network adapter (wifi or ethernet)

    New features in mocha v4.1.0:
    - Open Splines: You can now draw open splines by finishing with Shift + Right Click. These splines export to After Effects CC 2014 and Nuke
    - EXR 2.0: Loading a multi-part EXR file will show all the available parts in the streams drop down in the clip tab
    - Export Shapes to Nuke SplineWarp: We now export to the spline warp node so you don’t have to copy splines from Roto nodes to the effect
    - Export shape data to HitFilm 3 Pro: A new shape format for Hitfilm 3 Pro
    - Save/Load 3D Solves: You can now save your solved 3d data to the project file
    - Additional 3D Camera Solver Result Improvements: You can now get more consistently accurate results
    - Next/Previous Control Point Shortcuts: You can now cycle though spline points using the { and } keys
    - Python Initialization: We include an file for running start up scripts. See the Python User Guide for more details
    - Python Updates: There are multiple additions to the Python API. See the Python Reference for more details.

    Release Name: Imagineer Systems mocha PRO V4.1.0.9404 CE with Adobe After Effects integration Team V.R private build
    Program Typ: Tracking, Rotoscoping
    Release Date: Nov 6, 2014
    Interface Language: English
    Requirements: Win64
    File Size: 47.2Mb
  3. #3
    Imagineer Systems mocha PRO V4.1.1.9621 CE with Adobe After Effects integration

    mocha Pro - Самый мощный полнофункциональный инструмент для 2D трекинга и ротоскопинга, основанный на уникальной системе 2.5D планарного трекинга, помогает художникам визуальных эффектов упростить и значительно ускорить работу по трекингу и ротоскопингу, предоставляя возможность быстро генерировать точные точки привязки, данные по которым могут быть экспортированы в наиболее популярные программные пакеты монтажа и композитинга: After Effects, Final Cut Pro, Motion, Flame, Smoke, Combustion, Avid DS, Quantel generationQ, Shake, Digital Fusion и Nuke.

    Release Name: Imagineer Systems mocha PRO V4.1.1.9621 CE with Adobe After Effects integration Team V.R private build
    Program Typ: Tracking, Rotoscoping
    Release Date: Jan 14, 2014
    Interface Language: English
    Requirements: Win64
    Размер файла: 48.2Mb
  4. #4
    Imagineer Systems mocha PRO V4.1.2.9658 CE with Adobe After Effects integration

    mocha Pro - Самый мощный полнофункциональный инструмент для 2D трекинга и ротоскопинга, основанный на уникальной системе 2.5D планарного трекинга, помогает художникам визуальных эффектов упростить и значительно ускорить работу по трекингу и ротоскопингу, предоставляя возможность быстро генерировать точные точки привязки, данные по которым могут быть экспортированы в наиболее популярные программные пакеты монтажа и композитинга: After Effects, Final Cut Pro, Motion, Flame, Smoke, Combustion, Avid DS, Quantel generationQ, Shake, Digital Fusion и Nuke.


    - 2.5D planar tracking
    - AdjustTrack module
    - 64 bit optimized
    - Improved user interface
    - OGL accelerated matte rendering with motion blur
    - X-spline and Bezier roto tools with per-point edge feathering
    - Stabilize & smooth module with AutoFill render
    - Open EXR Support
    - Automatic object and rig removal module with optional clean plate inserts
    - Lens distortion analysis with distort & undistort render function
    - Insert composite module
    - Offset & 3D offset surface composting & track export
    - Mesh warper distortion tool
    - Multi-pass rendering (render matte, fill, comp)
    - RED (R3D) file support
    - Lens Improvements: Export Distortion Maps to AE, Nuke, Flame, Fusion & more
    - Improved Roto: Transform Tool and Join Layers (parent control points)
    - Project Management: Organize and group layers. Share and merge projects
    - Dope Sheet: keyframe editor simplifies animation retiming, copy & paste

    Export track data to:
    - Autodesk: Flame, Smoke, Combustion
    - Adobe After Effects
    - Apple: Final Cut Pro & Finl Cut Express
    - Apple Motion
    - Apple Shake
    - Avid|DS
    - Quantel generationQ (requires free mocha for Quantel plug-in)
    - Eyeon Fusion
    - Nuke

    Export roto data to:
    - Apple: Final Cut Pro (with mocha shape for Final Cut plug-in)
    - Autodesk Flame, Smoke, Combustion: GMasks
    - Nuke & Nuke X
    - After Effects (with mocha shape for After Effects plug-in)
    - Eyeon Fusion (via ssf export)
    - Shake

    File Formats Supported:
    Mocha supports most standard movie clip and image sequence formats. In order to use clips (i.e. not image sequences) you must have QuickTime installed. Level of QuickTime support can vary depending on the operating system.
    Movie clip formats:
    - AVI files (.avi)
    - DV Stream files (.dv)
    - MP4 files (.mp4)
    - MPG files (.mpg)
    - QuickTime Movie files (.mov and .qt)
    - RED files (.r3d)
    Image formats:
    - OpenEXR files (.exr)
    - Cineon files (.cin)
    - DPX files (.dpx)
    - JPEG files (.jpg and .jpeg)
    - PNG files (.png)
    - SGI files (.bw, .iris, .rgb, .rgba and .sgi)
    - TGA files (.tga)
    - TIFF files (.tif and .TIFF)

    Not Directly Supported:
    These formats are either not supported directly by mocha or require additional plugins for QuickTime or your system.
    Movie clip formats:
    - AVCHD files (.mts and .m2t)
    - Windows Media files (.wmv)
    - Cineform files (without supporting codec)
    Image formats:
    - RAW image files (.RAW)

    Recommended System Requirements
    - Windows x64
    - Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo or equivalent
    - Memory: 4 GB
    - Disk: High-speed disk array
    - Graphics Card: NVDIA Quadro FX 1500 or equivalent
    - Monitor: 1920x1200
    - Network: Must have an enabled network adapter (wifi or ethernet)

    Release Name: Imagineer Systems mocha PRO V4.1.2.9658 CE with Adobe After Effects integration Team V.R private build
    Program Typ: Tracking, Rotoscoping
    Release Date: Jan 23, 2015
    Interface Language: English
    Requirements: Win64
    Размер файла: 48.0Mb
  5. #5
    как интегрировать mocha PRO V4 в АЕ, ведь открывается своя штатная mocha, если запускать через АЕ
  6. #6
    Поставить галку в настройках Moсha. Preferences>System (Use this this version in AE).
  7. #7
    Imagineer Systems mocha Pro 4 v4.1.2 build 9658

    mocha Pro - самый мощный полнофункциональный инструмент для 2D трекинга и ротоскопинга, основанный на уникальной системе 2.5D планарного трекинга, помогает художникам визуальных эффектов упростить и значительно ускорить работу по трекингу и ротоскопингу, предоставляя возможность быстро генерировать точные точки привязки, данные по которым могут быть экспортированы в наиболее популярные программные пакеты монтажа и композитинга: After Effects, Final Cut Pro, Motion, Flame, Smoke, Combustion, Avid DS, Quantel generationQ, Shake, Digital Fusion и Nuke.


    • one tool, all the features - 64 bit optimized
    • object removals & clean plate generation
    • lens distortion correction
    • offset & 3D offset tracking
    • insert compositing & mesh warper
    • planar tracking & roto export to After Effects, Flame, Nuke & more

    Planar tracking innovation. mocha is a stand alone tracking & roto software designed to complement any compositing and finishing environment. mocha's unique planar tracker and streamlined interface allows artists to easily track shots where point trackers fail: shots with noise, shots with motion blur and shots that go offscreen or are obscured. Artists can quickly and easily solve difficult tracks and export transform, scale, rotation and perspective keyframe data to the industry's most popular packages such as After Effects, Final Cut Pro, Motion, Flame, Smoke, Combustion, Avid DS, Quantel generationQ, Shake, Digital Fusion and Nuke. Tracking screen inserts and stabilizing camera jitter has never been easier!

    Rotoscoping and matte creation. Isolating and extracting objects is at the heart of all visual effects compositing and 2D to 3D conversion projects. mocha's advanced bezier and x-spline shape creation tools give compositors the tools they need to create highly accurate and realistic roto mattes with variable edge feathering. Linking shapes to the planar tracker allows the artist to create mattes with far less manual keyframes. mocha can render mattes with motion blur for any as well as export shape data for Flame/Flint/Inferno, Shake, Combustion, After Effects and Final Cut Pro.

    • Resolution & Frame Rate Independent Visual Effects Software
    • Stereoscopic 3D Workflow
    • 2.5D Planar Tracking
    • AdjustTrack Module
    • X-spline and Bezier roto tools with per-point edge feathering
    • Roto tools: Transform Tool & Join Layers
    • Layer Manager: color spline, color fill, group layers, multi-select & project merge
    • 3D Camera Solve Module
    • Dopesheet keyframe editor
    • OGL accelerated matte rendering with motion blur
    • Customizable Keyboard Shortcuts
    • Removal Module: Auto-object removals with optional clean plate inserts
    • Lens Module: Lens distortion analysis with distort & undistort render function
    • Render Distortion Maps (Rasterized ST Maps)
    • Import and use External Distortion Maps in all mocha Pro modules
    • Insert Module: 2D match move compositing with motion blur render
    • Offset & 3D offset surface composting & track export
    • Mesh Warper distortion tool
    • Color Fill Shape Rendering (Export to Nuke Rotopaint and mocha shape for After Effects)

    Export track data to:
    • Autodesk: Flame, Smoke, Flare
    • Adobe After Effects CS3 – Creative Cloud
    • Apple: Final Cut Pro v7
    • Apple Motion 4, 5
    • Apple Shake
    • Avid|DS
    • Assimilate Scratch v7
    • Quantel generationQ
    • Eyeon Fusion
    • Nuke & Nuke X
    • Boris FX: BCC Continuum Track Format: (supports Adobe Premiere, After Effects, Avid Media Composer, Symphony & Sony Vegas Pro)

    Export roto data to:
    • Apple: Final Cut Pro (with mocha shape for Final Cut plug-in)
    • Autodesk Flame, Smoke, Combustion: GMasks
    • Nuke & Nuke X
    • Adobe After Effects CS3 – CC (with mocha shape for After Effects plug-in)
    • Adobe After Effects CS6 – CC (paste to mask)
    • Adobe Premiere Pro (paste to mask)
    • Eyeon Fusion (via ssf export)
    • Shake

    Export 3D Camera
    • Adobe After Effects CS4 – CC
    • FBX for Nuke
    • FBX for Autodesk Maya, Flame & Smoke. Cinema 4D
    • HitFilm 2 Ultimate

    Export Lens Data
    • Adobe After Effects CS4-CC (with mocha Lens plug-in)
    • Nuke, Flame, Fusion (with rendered ST Maps)

    New features in mocha v4:
    mocha 4.0.0 contains new functionality and major changes to workflow
    1. Streamlined Interface - We have changed a number of things in the mocha interface to streamline workflow.
    2. Retina Support - We have converted the interface over to full Retina support for OS X. This will result in a crisper look for those on recent Apple
    3. Icon and Button Changes - We have consolidated a number of icons into single buttons to reduce interface clutter
    4. Workflow changes
    - Project settings are now independent of clip settings
    - Clips can now have multiple streams of footage
    - Overhauled frame offsets
    5. Stereo Workflow - A major change to mocha’s workflow is being able to choose between working on mono or stereo projects. You can now import stereo views and track, render and export back to stereo.
    6. New Export Formats - In addition to exporting to Stereo format, we have added new export data formats.
    7. Python Support - We now support Python in mocha Pro via the mocha module. Python functionality has its own separate documentation. You can find this in the help menu.
    8. Keyboard Shortcut Customisation - You can now customise keyboard shortcuts for almost every tool, action and menu item in mocha v4.

    New features in mocha v4.1.0:
    • Open Splines: You can now draw open splines by finishing with Shift + Right Click. These splines export to After Effects CC 2014 and Nuke.
    • EXR 2.0: We now support EXR 2.0 multi-part files.
    • Export to Nuke SplineWarp: We now export to the spline warp node so you don’t have to copy splines from Roto nodes to the effect.
    • Export shape data to HitFilm 3 Pro: A new shape format Hitfilm 3 Pro.
    • Save/Load 3D Solves: You can now save your solved 3d data to the project file.
    • Additional 3D Camera Solver Result Improvements: You can now get more consistently accurate results.
    • Next/Previous Control Point Shortcuts: You can now cycle though spline points using the { and } keys.
    • Python Initialization: We include an file for running start up scripts. See the Python User Guide for more details.
    • Python Updates: There are multiple additions to the Python API. See the Python Reference for more details.

    Fixed Issues in v4.1.2:
    - DE3662 AE shape exports are incorrect or don’t appear if the in point is not the starting frame
    - DE3661 Cannot export multiple shapes to After Effects

    - OS Windows XP Professional SP2 or higher, Windows Vista Business or Ultimate, Windows 7, Windows 8 on x64
    Recommended Hardware
    - Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo or equivalent
    - Memory: 4 GB
    - Disk: High-speed disk array
    - Graphics Card: NVDIA Quadro FX 1500 or equivalent
    - Monitor: 1920x1200
    - Network: Must have an enabled network adapter (wifi or ethernet)
    Minimal Hardware
    - At least 1-GHz Pentium IV
    - Memory: At least 1 GB
    - Disk: At least 1 GB
    - Graphics Card: Must support OpenGL 2.0
    - Monitor: Minimum resolution 1200x800 pixels
    - Network: Must have an enabled network adapter (wifi or ethernet)

    Working with high-resolution footage such as 2K or HD is very demanding on system resources; a system with at least 4 GB of system memory and 256 MB of texture memory should be used.

    Program Name: mocha Pro 4 v4.1.2 build 9658
    Program Type: Tracking & Rotoscoping
    Developer: Imagineer Systems Ltd.
    Release Date: 17.04.2015
    Interface Language: English
    Platform: Windows XP/Vista/7/8 64-bit
    Размер файла: 45.05Mb
  8. #8
    Imagineer Systems mocha PRO V4.1.3.10962 CE with After Effects integration

    mocha Pro - Самый мощный полнофункциональный инструмент для 2D трекинга и ротоскопинга, основанный на уникальной системе 2.5D планарного трекинга, помогает художникам визуальных эффектов упростить и значительно ускорить работу по трекингу и ротоскопингу, предоставляя возможность быстро генерировать точные точки привязки, данные по которым могут быть экспортированы в наиболее популярные программные пакеты монтажа и композитинга: After Effects, Final Cut Pro, Motion, Flame, Smoke, Combustion, Avid DS, Quantel generationQ, Shake, Digital Fusion и Nuke.


    - 2.5D planar tracking
    - AdjustTrack module
    - 64 bit optimized
    - Improved user interface
    - OGL accelerated matte rendering with motion blur
    - X-spline and Bezier roto tools with per-point edge feathering
    - Stabilize & smooth module with AutoFill render
    - Open EXR Support
    - Automatic object and rig removal module with optional clean plate inserts
    - Lens distortion analysis with distort & undistort render function
    - Insert composite module
    - Offset & 3D offset surface composting & track export
    - Mesh warper distortion tool
    - Multi-pass rendering (render matte, fill, comp)
    - RED (R3D) file support
    - Lens Improvements: Export Distortion Maps to AE, Nuke, Flame, Fusion & more
    - Improved Roto: Transform Tool and Join Layers (parent control points)
    - Project Management: Organize and group layers. Share and merge projects
    - Dope Sheet: keyframe editor simplifies animation retiming, copy & paste

    Export track data to:
    - Autodesk: Flame, Smoke, Combustion
    - Adobe After Effects
    - Apple: Final Cut Pro & Finl Cut Express
    - Apple Motion
    - Apple Shake
    - Avid|DS
    - Quantel generationQ (requires free mocha for Quantel plug-in)
    - Eyeon Fusion
    - Nuke

    Export roto data to:
    - Apple: Final Cut Pro (with mocha shape for Final Cut plug-in)
    - Autodesk Flame, Smoke, Combustion: GMasks
    - Nuke & Nuke X
    - After Effects (with mocha shape for After Effects plug-in)
    - Eyeon Fusion (via ssf export)
    - Shake

    File Formats Supported:
    Mocha supports most standard movie clip and image sequence formats. In order to use clips (i.e. not image sequences) you must have QuickTime installed. Level of QuickTime support can vary depending on the operating system.
    Movie clip formats:
    - AVI files (.avi)
    - DV Stream files (.dv)
    - MP4 files (.mp4)
    - MPG files (.mpg)
    - QuickTime Movie files (.mov and .qt)
    - RED files (.r3d)
    Image formats:
    - OpenEXR files (.exr)
    - Cineon files (.cin)
    - DPX files (.dpx)
    - JPEG files (.jpg and .jpeg)
    - PNG files (.png)
    - SGI files (.bw, .iris, .rgb, .rgba and .sgi)
    - TGA files (.tga)
    - TIFF files (.tif and .TIFF)

    Not Directly Supported:
    These formats are either not supported directly by mocha or require additional plugins for QuickTime or your system.
    Movie clip formats:
    - AVCHD files (.mts and .m2t)
    - Windows Media files (.wmv)
    - Cineform files (without supporting codec)
    Image formats:
    - RAW image files (.RAW)

    Recommended System Requirements
    - Windows x64
    - Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo or equivalent
    - Memory: 4 GB
    - Disk: High-speed disk array
    - Graphics Card: NVDIA Quadro FX 1500 or equivalent
    - Monitor: 1920x1200
    - Network: Must have an enabled network adapter (wifi or ethernet)

    Training Videos

    Release Name: Imagineer Systems mocha PRO V4.1.3.10962 CE with Adobe After Effects integration Team V.R private build
    Program Typ: Tracking, Rotoscoping
    Release Date: Nov 16, 2015
    Interface Language: English
    Requirements: Win64
    Размер файла: 47.8 Mb

  9. #9
    Imagineer Systems mocha PRO V4.1.3.10962 CE with After Effects integration

    mocha Pro - Самый мощный полнофункциональный инструмент для 2D трекинга и ротоскопинга, основанный на уникальной системе 2.5D планарного трекинга, помогает художникам визуальных эффектов упростить и значительно ускорить работу по трекингу и ротоскопингу, предоставляя возможность быстро генерировать точные точки привязки, данные по которым могут быть экспортированы в наиболее популярные программные пакеты монтажа и композитинга: After Effects, Final Cut Pro, Motion, Flame, Smoke, Combustion, Avid DS, Quantel generationQ, Shake, Digital Fusion и Nuke.


    - 2.5D planar tracking
    - AdjustTrack module
    - 64 bit optimized
    - Improved user interface
    - OGL accelerated matte rendering with motion blur
    - X-spline and Bezier roto tools with per-point edge feathering
    - Stabilize & smooth module with AutoFill render
    - Open EXR Support
    - Automatic object and rig removal module with optional clean plate inserts
    - Lens distortion analysis with distort & undistort render function
    - Insert composite module
    - Offset & 3D offset surface composting & track export
    - Mesh warper distortion tool
    - Multi-pass rendering (render matte, fill, comp)
    - RED (R3D) file support
    - Lens Improvements: Export Distortion Maps to AE, Nuke, Flame, Fusion & more
    - Improved Roto: Transform Tool and Join Layers (parent control points)
    - Project Management: Organize and group layers. Share and merge projects
    - Dope Sheet: keyframe editor simplifies animation retiming, copy & paste

    Export track data to:
    - Autodesk: Flame, Smoke, Combustion
    - Adobe After Effects
    - Apple: Final Cut Pro & Finl Cut Express
    - Apple Motion
    - Apple Shake
    - Avid|DS
    - Quantel generationQ (requires free mocha for Quantel plug-in)
    - Eyeon Fusion
    - Nuke

    Export roto data to:
    - Apple: Final Cut Pro (with mocha shape for Final Cut plug-in)
    - Autodesk Flame, Smoke, Combustion: GMasks
    - Nuke & Nuke X
    - After Effects (with mocha shape for After Effects plug-in)
    - Eyeon Fusion (via ssf export)
    - Shake

    File Formats Supported:
    Mocha supports most standard movie clip and image sequence formats. In order to use clips (i.e. not image sequences) you must have QuickTime installed. Level of QuickTime support can vary depending on the operating system.
    Movie clip formats:
    - AVI files (.avi)
    - DV Stream files (.dv)
    - MP4 files (.mp4)
    - MPG files (.mpg)
    - QuickTime Movie files (.mov and .qt)
    - RED files (.r3d)
    Image formats:
    - OpenEXR files (.exr)
    - Cineon files (.cin)
    - DPX files (.dpx)
    - JPEG files (.jpg and .jpeg)
    - PNG files (.png)
    - SGI files (.bw, .iris, .rgb, .rgba and .sgi)
    - TGA files (.tga)
    - TIFF files (.tif and .TIFF)

    Not Directly Supported:
    These formats are either not supported directly by mocha or require additional plugins for QuickTime or your system.
    Movie clip formats:
    - AVCHD files (.mts and .m2t)
    - Windows Media files (.wmv)
    - Cineform files (without supporting codec)
    Image formats:
    - RAW image files (.RAW)

    Recommended System Requirements
    - Windows x64
    - Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo or equivalent
    - Memory: 4 GB
    - Disk: High-speed disk array
    - Graphics Card: NVDIA Quadro FX 1500 or equivalent
    - Monitor: 1920x1200
    - Network: Must have an enabled network adapter (wifi or ethernet)

    Training Videos

    Release Name: Imagineer Systems mocha PRO V4.1.3.10962 CE with Adobe After Effects integration Team V.R private build
    Program Typ: Tracking, Rotoscoping
    Release Date: Nov 16, 2015
    Interface Language: English
    Requirements: Win64
    Размер файла: 47.8 Mb

  10. #10
    Imagineer Systems mocha VR Adobe v5.5.0 build 13081

    mocha VR - новое решение, привносящее режиссёрам рабочий процесс высококлассных визуальных эффектов при создании панорамного видео 360 градусов и виртуальной реальности. Основанный на уникальной системе планарного трекинга, Mocha VR оснащёно оптимизированными инструментами для создания эффектов, предназначенные для упрощения задач последующей обработки кинематографической виртуальной реальности.


    360° Planar Tracking
    Academy Award-Winning Planar Tracking Engine
    Mocha VR brings the power of mocha to native 360° for cinematic VR post-production. Robust planar tracking engine drives the workflow for advanced masking, graphics inserts, object removal and new reorient/horizon stabilization module.

    360° Workspace
    Work Across Lat/Long Seams
    Optimized workspace and toolset works simultaneously in rectilinear and equirectangular lat/long views bringing 360° capability to a variety of applications. Editors and artists can easily track, roto, create effects and insert graphics without worrying about equirectangular seams or distorted pixels.

    360° Roto & Masking Tools
    Reduce Manual Keyframes
    Unlimited X-Spline tools for articulate shape creation and masking, saves hours of time versus traditional keyframing techniques. Masks can be rendered back to the host application for isolated color correction and many effects tasks. Animated masks can also be converted to native masks in Adobe After Effects, Premiere Pro, Nuke & Fusion.

    360° Object Removal
    Remove Camera Rigs, Shadows and Unwanted Pixels
    Mocha’s famous Remove Module now works on 360° video by analyzing temporal frames and “automatically removing” unwanted camera rigs, shadows, crew members and more for massive time-savings. Clean Plates can be linked for removing when clean pixels are not detected in the shot. Illumination filtering analyzes luminance shifts for proper lighting and scene compositing.

    Horizon Stabilization & Reorient
    Reduce Shakey Motion for Improved VR Viewing
    Designed to reduce unstable motion, the new Reorient Module can drastically improve nausea-inducing VR experiences by smoothing or stabilizing shaky, handheld and drone captured footage. Driven by robust planar tracking, a user can even track and stabilize difficult and “out of focus” footage. Reorient on its own can be used to reposition equirectangular footage.

    Lens Workflow for 360° Compositing[b]
    [b]Convert Lat/Long to 360 to Add Effects & Graphics
    A plug-in based lens correction workflow converts between lat/long and rectilinear for a streamlined workflow to add titles, graphics, patches and non-360 enabled filters to your 360 project. Undistort footage and position the view, add 2D elements, then redistort for an easy to master workflow.

    What's new in v5.5.0:
    - Issue: MO-37 Can’t delete mask keyframe set on current frame
    Bug Description: You can now remove a keyframe as soon as it has been created.
    - Issue: MO-23 Changing Lens models in preferences does nothing
    Bug Description: Changing Lens models in Preferences now correctly alters the Lens module in new projects.
    - Issue: MO-17 Auto Channel tracking is broken with GPU tracker enabled
    Bug Description: Auto Channel now works with the GPU tracker.
    - Issue: MO-10 GPU tracking error when switching from "no distortion" to other distortions in mocha Pro and VR
    Bug Description: You no longer get any GPU tracking errors when switching Lens distortion types.
    - Issue: DE4891 Turning on Allow Unsupported GPUs is not possible if there are no supported GPUS
    Bug Description: You can now turn on Allow Unsupported GPUs when there are no supported cards present.
    - Issue: DE4855 Severe lag in GUI when using large numbers of layers.
    Bug Description: When using large numbers of linked or constrained layers (300+) the mocha GUI no longer lags
    - Issue: DE4671 Tracking very large files consumes a lot of memory
    Bug Description: Tracking very long and large files no longer consumes all memory.
    - Issue: DE4484 Remove keyframe doesn’t auto update
    Bug Description: Creating a keyframe now enables the "remove keyframe" button.
    - Issue: DE4441 mocha Pro takes very long time to verify on Mac
    Bug Description: mocha Pro now verifies quicker
    - Issue: DE3429 Timeline changes to spline keys when using timeline controls to adjust or review parameter keys
    Bug Description: If you create any parameter keys you can now review them with the timeline controls without jumping back to spline keys.
    - Issue: DE4651 mocha Pro Plugin Adobe: memory error when tracking large files in After Effects
    Bug Description: After Effects would throw a random memory error when tracking large files in the mocha GUI.
    - Issue: DE4356 First attempt at exporting data to AE will not paste for mocha Pro Plugin
    Bug Description: mocha plugin clipboard data now pastes correctly in recent versions of After Effects (AE 2017+).

    - Windows: Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 on x64
    Recommended Hardware
    - Processor: Intel Core i7 or equivalent
    - Memory: 16+ GB
    - Disk: High-speed disk array or SSD storage
    - Graphics Card: NVIDIA Quadro M6000
    - Monitor: 1920x1200
    - Network: Must have an enabled network adapter (wifi or ethernet)
    Minimal Hardware
    - Processor: 64-Bit Intel or AMD CPU
    - Memory: 4 GB
    - Graphics Card: For GPU tracking, must support OpenCL 1.2, for CPU tracking, OpenGL 2.0
    - Monitor: Minimum resolution 1200x800 pixels
    - Network: Must have an enabled network adapter (wifi or ethernet)

    Working with high-resolution footage such as 4K is very demanding on system resources; a system with at least 16 GB of system memory and 2 GB of texture memory
    should be used.

    Host Applcations
    - Adobe After Effects CS3+
    - Adobe Premiere CC 2014+

    Program Name: mocha VR Adobe v5.5.0 build 13081
    Program Type: Adobe After Effects Plug-In
    Developer: Imagineer Systems Ltd.
    Release Date: 11.02.2017
    Interface Language: English
    Platform: Adobe After Effects CS3+ | Premiere CC 2014+, 64-bit ONLY
    Размер файла: 45.56Mb

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