А у Вас Scenarist BD-J вообще запускается, если спрашиваете, или у Вас приобретённая версия? У меня например, в v.5.3.2 и v.7.1.3 Scenarist BD-J, не запускается, а в UHD v.1.2.0 его вообще нет.
Yes, it is running (Win10 21H1). But Safeguard is a bit bitchy when it comes to choosing the right JRE. I had to do some research to get it to work correctly.
А в Scenarist BD знание программирования на Java скорее всего понадобятся. Так что не ждите быстрых успехов.

No, I don't expect quick successes. Whereby I don't even have to understand everything down to the smallest detail. Although I readily admit that this sounds like a contradiction at first, since I want to implement something with Java that is the "top of the line" on Blu-ray ("Season Play"). So it's not just about me being able to add true colour PNGs to my Blu-ray menus. In that case, I would use, for example, "DoStudio" or a product from "DVDLogic", which adds another layer between Java and the user, so that the user doesn't see the Java code in the first place. I'm afraid, however, that with something like "Season Play" such a way of programming comes to its limits.
Besides, why should I do the work when many other much smarter and talented people than I have already done it?

So I wanted to adapt existing BD-J discs to my needs. But to do that, I need to understand a bit about the subject. There are often so many dependencies, if I then don't have an exact overview of what effects a certain program code has, then the thing is doomed to failure from the start.
Приходится анализировать референсные проекты (а там, поверьте, есть что подчерпнуть) и лезть в интернет за приемами программирования
Thank you for your detailed answer.
This is how I learned to program discs in HDMV. Because of the rather general information in the Scenarist manual, I first searched the entire Internet for several weeks for more information on how the program works at all. Unfortunately I didn't know this forum at that time. So I gathered the information from everywhere. This was very tedious and often unsatisfying, because not every info was still up to date. When it came to learning how to create a disc using HDMV code, I didn't want to go through the Internet again. So I figured, why not just learn from the work of others? (I had already learned the basics before.) This way, within two weekends, I learned how to program in HDMV at a professional level. And it was great fun. Especially when I found bugs in store-bought Blu-rays, or "purged" their bloated programming code. (Many discs are alarmingly badly programmed).
But HDMV is also a very simple and logical matter. I am not under the illusion that it will be comparably easy with Java. Not at all, because most manufacturers have "obfuscated" their program code. So you can't always see immediately what a certain code is good for.
But basically I am very willing to learn, crisis-proof, able to suffer and certainly not stupid. But due to my illness I am forced to take very strong painkillers. Of course, this is not the best prerequisite for an alert mind and great comprehension. And pain, of course, is even less so.
В BDS можно обойтись без программирования, но если возникает необходимость то работаем не с Java в полном смысле, а с макросами (как в Java Script) и понимание основ необходимо. Простые проекты делаются в ней элементарно, а вот сложные заставят поломать голову.
Unfortunately, this "shortcut" is not an option. Unless these programs can handle "Season Play".
"Season Play is the only reason I want to create BD-J discs. Everything else I have always been able to do with HDMV. Maybe that was not always elegantly programmed. But useful. For many discs I find Java rather unnecessary and a disadvantage. Here in Switzerland and the neighboring countries there are many labels that program their discs with "DoStudio Indie". There I regularly get severe colic when they are in the player and take ages to load, only to not even have a function that remembers the last playback position. Especially with series Blu-rays, this really sucks.
There must be a reason why "Season Play" (or similar functions) are so rarely used. Although such a function enhances series Blu-rays immensely. I had briefly considered whether it would not be enough to make certain GPR values available to all discs via Java. The rest of the programming would then be done in HDMV. I know, hybrid discs are frowned upon. But they exist. (The main thing is that it works).
Briefly, I also had hopes that it would be even easier: ABC/Disney's "Season Play" discs use various text files with variables as an "interface" to the actual program code. If it would be enough to simply change these variables, then that would be the easiest solution, of course. But I tried some time ago to change the name of an episode in the main menu of a disc. Unfortunately that didn't work then. (But before that I had only briefly dealt with it. So the failure was preprogrammed.)
Специфическая программа Sofatronic Kaleidoscope, с одной стороны не требует знания Java, но фактически программируешь на её языке, от чего нужно иметь хотя бы простой навык программирования дабы заработала интуиция.
This program was briefly on my radar. Is this program still maintained at all? And then, of course, there would have to be a version that is cracked.

Also, I have a hunch that it's not possible to program something comparable to "Season Play" there either. (But I'm happy to be proven wrong, of course.)
Let's see if I reallydo this effort to myself. Before I deal with Java & Co., I should first finish my still unfinished HDMV projects. But since I often also edit the soundtrack and create and design the menus myself, everything takes time.
As long as my health still allows it and I enjoy creating a Blu-ray, I don't want to give up ...
