Troubleshoot – Error - SSIF allocation Error, Fail at Condition 5
Product Scenarist BD
Version 5.7.1
This article explains how to resolve the following error when muxing a 3D Project in 5.7.1 or later
versions. The mux fails when creating the SSIF files with an error similar to the following:
2012-10-23T10:23:58Z|ERROR|MUX_SN_E_TS_ALLOCATION_C5_ERR|R:\Step Up
4\MUX\MUX\BDROM\DB\BDMV\STREAM\00003.m2ts|0| SSIF allocation Error, Fail at Condition 5|

This error is caused by the dependent view bitrate being much lower than the main view due to encode
settings. It is caused by the specific content at that location in the encode having a very low bitrate, and
the total bitrate of the main view clip including audio streams. This will occur at very low bitrate sections
of the mvc file, for instance, white text over a black background. It usually occurs when associated with
high bitrate audio such as lossless codecs or multichannel PCM. The audio it raises the main view bitrate
too high to interleave with the dependent view clip, even when the SSIF creation works without the audio
To fix it you can try one of two things.
- 1. Segment encode the section where you see a very low bitrate in the dependent view. Set
a higher target bitrate for the dependent view for the segment re-encode. Make sure you
include some of the higher bitrate area surrounding the low bitrate area so the encoder can
adjust bits.
- 2. Re-encode the segment by increasing the target bitrate for the entire encode by raising the
target bitrate for the dependent view. Do not raise the maximum.
NOTE: In earlier versions, the error message was different in suggesting that the dependent view bitrate
is too low. This is the same issue and has the same solution.