Работаем и пересобираем в Scenarist BD. часть I - Страница 197

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Работаем и пересобираем в Scenarist BD. часть I

Показано с 1,961 по 1,970 из 1997

  1. #1

    Работаем и пересобираем в Scenarist BD. часть I

    Друзья! По всем возникшим вопросам и проблемам, возникшим при работе в Scenarist BD, милости прошу сюда.
    Новичкам не боятся и не стесняться задавать вопросы, ну а спецам и гуру в сфере авторинга, по мере возможности
    оперативно помогать, нуждающемся в их советах.

    Нужные и интересные темы
    Профессиональный Blu-ray авторинг: ничего сложного
    F.A.Q. Создание и пересборка 2D и 3D дисков Blu-Ray

    Dear sirs,
    For those who cannot write in Russian and those who responds to English posts:
    Rules of a forum require use of Russian language for comments.
    All comments in English should be accompanied by a online-translation into Russian. (like this message)
    Use Google Translate (http://translate.google.com/translate_t#submit) or the similar online translator.
    Thanks for understanding.
    Уважаемые господа!
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    Пользуйтесь Google Translate (http://translate.google.com/translate_t#submit) или аналогичным онлайн-переводчиком.
    Спасибо за понимание.
    Последний раз редактировалось Palych; 07.04.2018 в 20:59.
  2. #1961
    @FREEDONOR, Buffer underflows|tswrapper.dll::CTSWrapper:: ProcThreadMain::Video buffer underflows

    Надо понять что речь идёт о суммарном битрейте и при высоком битрейте видео просто не удастся воткнуть столько аудиодорожек сколько ни снижай битрейт отдельных (и даже всех) потоков. По этому или снизить колличество аудиодорожек, или перекодировать видео, или объегорить спецификацию с помощью BDFix или копипастой как в FAQ пункт 3
  3. #1962
  4. #1963
    А если для теста исключить субтитры и посмотреть что будет?

    - - - Добавлено - - -

  5. #1964
    столько аудиодорожек сколько ни снижай битрейт отдельных (и даже всех)
    При чем тут количество дорожек?
  6. #1965

    Lightbulb Sonic Knowledge Base

    Кто-нибудь имеет оригинальную базу знаний от Sonic?

    Я знаю, что когда-то в интернете были ссылки на оригинальные инструкции по работе в Scenarist.

    Например, был большой архив документов в формате PDF

    Sonic - How to 'track PG streams in HDMV'.pdf
    Sonic - How to add button sounds to the soundBDMV.pdf
    Sonic - How to associate PG streams with PiP (Secondary Video) streams.pdf
    Sonic - How to author 'multi-angle' in BD.pdf
    Sonic - How to author 'seamless branching' in BD.pdf
    Sonic - How to author Dolby or Dolby TrueHD seamless connections (CC5).pdf
    Sonic - How to author multiangle in BD.pdf
    Sonic - How to burn a BDR or BDRE to play in settops.pdf
    Sonic - How to create a BDJO using Scenarist HDMV.pdf
    Sonic - How to create a browsable slideshow.pdf
    Sonic - How to create an auto-actioned invisible button.pdf
    Sonic - How to create picture in picture effect in HDMV.pdf
    Sonic - How to delay the appearance of an Out of Mux IG.pdf
    Sonic - How to import an older project into Scenarist BD 5.0.pdf
    Sonic - How to import Dolby True HD audio.pdf
    Sonic - How to import Multi-Channel PCM files larger than 4GB.pdf
    Sonic - How to link to a chapter (PlayListMark) and then close a popup menu.pdf
    Sonic - How to link to chapter and then close menu.pdf
    Sonic - How to make a looping menu.pdf
    Sonic - How to organise IG Effects and import graphics for them.pdf
    Sonic - how to prepare for dual layer.pdf
    Sonic - How to solve no clean break errors for seamless connections.pdf
    Sonic - How to track PG streams in HDMV.pdf
    Sonic - How to work out a player's profile in an HDMV Title.pdf
    Sonic - Mux error 'no clean break' at the end of AV stream.pdf
    Sonic - Pre-mastering for replication with Scenarist BD 5.7.pdf
    Sonic - Problem, IG buffer overflow.pdf
    Sonic - Problem, IG buffer underflow.pdf
    Sonic - Problem, IG size of any line after coding exceeds the size.pdf
    Sonic - PSR2 & PSR14.pdf
    Sonic - Reference, BD country codes.pdf
    Sonic - Reference, BD language codes.pdf
    Sonic - Reference, player status register (PSR) values.pdf
    Sonic - Reference, region coding in HDMV.pdf
    Sonic - Reference, resuming in HDMV.pdf
    Sonic - Scenarist configuration guide.pdf
    Sonic - THX Media Director and Scenarist BD (5.3 and 5.6).pdf
    Sonic - Video and audio formats for blu-ray disc.pdf

    Также существовали и видео инструкции

    - Scenarist BD video tutorials

    - BD-J Converter Feature Film Framework v1.4

    - BD-J Converter v1.0.1

    - Sonic KB Articles

    - Scenarist BD 5.1 BD-J Tutorials

    - Scenarist BD 5.7 HDMV Project Template - 2D

    - Interra BDQuest v1.3.2 (spec. compliance validator - from 2009, so somewhat outdated, but anyways...)

    - Scenarist tutorial from reykroona

    Если у кого-нибудь что-нибудь имеется из этой большой базы знаний, то прошу загрузите сюда. Заранее спасибо .
  7. #1966
    Если у кого-нибудь что-нибудь имеется из этой большой базы знаний, то прошу загрузите сюда.

    Скрытый текст

    KB_Articles\All_Products_General_Use\General Topic - Obtaining Product Activator Code.pdf
    KB_Articles\All_Products_General_Use\General Topic - Product System Requirements.pdf
    KB_Articles\All_Products_General_Use\Reference - FAQs related to TotalCode and MainConcept Activation.pdf
    KB_Articles\All_Products_General_Use\Reference - Where to Find Product User Guides and Release Notes.pdf
    KB_Articles\All_Products_General_Use\Submitting a support ticket.pdf
    KB_Articles\All_Products_General_Use\Troubleshoot - Error - Wrong Dongle Serial Number.pdf
    KB_Articles\All_Products_General_Use\Troubleshoot - Watermark present when Importing.pdf
    KB_Articles\All_Products_General_Use\Tutorial - How to find your Purple Sentinel Dongle Serial Number.pdf
    KB_Articles\All_Products_General_Use\Tutorial - How to obtain updates for DTS Master Audio Suite Encoder.pdf
    KB_Articles\All_Products_General_Use\Tutorial - Unlocking of Reference Encoder on Mac OS X.pdf
    KB_Articles\Lemony_KB_Articles\Reference - Recommendations When Using Reference Movies in Lemony.pdf
    KB_Articles\Lemony_KB_Articles\Reference - Region coding in HDMV.pdf
    KB_Articles\Lemony_KB_Articles\Reference - Where to find Lemony Help and Release Notes.pdf
    KB_Articles\Lemony_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - Characters are Lost at the End of Bottom Aligned Closed Caption Lines.pdf
    KB_Articles\Lemony_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - Importing a stl File results in Duplicated Time Codes on Split Subtitles.pdf
    KB_Articles\Lemony_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - No offset introduced when making captions from a subtitle script.pdf
    KB_Articles\Lemony_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - single and double line subtitle alignment.pdf
    KB_Articles\Lemony_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - The 3D Depth Changes at the End of the Subtitle.pdf
    KB_Articles\Lemony_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - Unhandled Error СVisual Styles-related operationЕТ.pdf
    KB_Articles\Lemony_KB_Articles\Tutorial - Converting to a Scenarist SCC Script in Lemony.pdf
    KB_Articles\Lemony_KB_Articles\Tutorial - Create BD subtitles from a SST file.pdf
    KB_Articles\Lemony_KB_Articles\Tutorial - Creating a Different 3D Separateion per Subtitle.pdf
    KB_Articles\Lemony_KB_Articles\Tutorial - Creating different subtitles in different aspect ratios.pdf
    KB_Articles\Lemony_KB_Articles\Tutorial - Exporting SD and HD Subtitles Simultaneously in Lemony.pdf
    KB_Articles\Lemony_KB_Articles\Tutorial - Fixing_SCC_Timings_from_Time Code and Frame Rate_Conversion.pdf
    KB_Articles\Lemony_KB_Articles\Tutorial - Previewing 3D Subtitles in Lemony.pdf
    KB_Articles\Lemony_KB_Articles\Tutorial - Quick Start Ц converting srt to a BDN.pdf
    KB_Articles\Lemony_KB_Articles\Tutorial - Resizing Graphics for Wide Letterbox and Pan Scan Subtitles.pdf
    KB_Articles\Lemony_KB_Articles\Tutorial - Setting subtitle in-out times on-the-fly.pdf
    KB_Articles\Lemony_KB_Articles\Tutorial - Turning on Spell Checking in Lemony.pdf
    KB_Articles\Lemony_KB_Articles\Tutorial- Fixing Time Code Conversions within Subtitles with the Wizard.pdf
    KB_Articles\Lemony_KB_Articles\Tutorial Ц Adding Custom Characters to Subtitles in the Subtitle Editor.pdf
    KB_Articles\Misc_obsolete_Products\DVD Creator-Fusion KB article compilation.pdf
    KB_Articles\Misc_obsolete_Products\DVD Producer KB article compilation.pdf
    KB_Articles\Misc_obsolete_Products\eDVD KB article compilation.pdf
    KB_Articles\Misc_obsolete_Products\Error 'E0007 -- Error loading import library'.pdf
    KB_Articles\Misc_obsolete_Products\Flash to BDJ Converter - Syntax Errors in Converter Generated Source Files.pdf
    KB_Articles\Misc_obsolete_Products\How to enter a new activation for the Sony Software Reference Player.pdf
    KB_Articles\Misc_obsolete_Products\How to install the BNC cable to the Sony Hardware Emulator in the XW8600.pdf
    KB_Articles\Misc_obsolete_Products\Troubleshoot - Fixing inverted simluation of SD MPEG2 files in DVDitProHD.pdf
    KB_Articles\Misc_obsolete_Products\Tutorial - Copy and Paste 3D Playitems.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\3D Playback Detection in Scenarist 5.5 (SBD 5.5).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Additions and Considerations for 3D Authoring (SBD 5.5).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\CC6 Wizard (SBD 5.2).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\CMF creation fails partway through the process with no error message (SBD 5.5.1).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Connection condition 6 - seamless concatenated - video and progressive playlists.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Creating PC Weblinks in BDJ (SBDJ 5.1.3).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Decoding DTS MA externally from the Sony BD Hardware Emulator (SBDRES).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Duplicating a project in Scenarist BD-J (SBD 5.2).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Error - Graphics Buffer Underflows in IGs.doc (SBD 4.5).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Error - The Decoded Object Buffer (DB) overflows - when importing BDN scripts (SBD 5.1.3).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Error 'Allocatation Fail --- The allocation rule for a seamless playback of PlayItems cannot be satisfied. File=00000.ssif'.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Error message СAllocatation Fail --- Made minimum Ext2[]. but Can't make Ext1[]Т (SBD 5.5).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Error message СVideo buffer underflowsТ (SBD 5.5).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Error 'TS Wrapper.dll--CTSWrapper--AddES--This pid is already used.' (SBD 5.5).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Error 'Value of BitRate is not supported in the BD standard'.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Error СError Content - Value of ExtensionAssignment is not supported in the BD standardТ (SBD 5.0.2).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Error СPTS LayerBreak - PTS position exceeded it to the length of the fileТ (SBD 5.0.2).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Error- УInput string was not in a correct formatФ Ц Regional Language Setting (SBD 5.2).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Extent size is not corresponding to the File Size (SBD 5.5.1).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\HDMV Feature Template workflow recommendations.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How To - Add button sounds to soundBDMV (SBD 5.0).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How To - Add ROM content to a BD title.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How To - Author УSeamless BranchingФ in BD.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How To - Burn a BDR or BDRE to play in settops (SBD 4.5, 5.1.3).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How To - Create a BDJO using Scenarist HDMV.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How To - Create a Browsable Slideshow (SBD 4.5).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How To - Create a thumbnail image for the PS3 (SBD 4.5.2).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How To - Create a thumbnail image for the PS3 (SBD 5.0).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How To - Eliminating Buffer Overflow errors in IGs.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How To - Eliminating Graphics Buffer Underflows in IGs.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How To - Final steps before replication with Scenarist BD 4.5.2.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How To - Final steps before replication with Scenarist BD 5.0.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How To - Generate keys and certificates using Safeguard.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How To - Implement Managed Copy.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How To - Import an older project into Scenarist BD 5.0.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How To - Import Dolby True HD audio.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How To - Import Multi-Channel PCM files larger than 4GB.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How To - Improve BDJ workflow.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How To - Link to chapter and then close menu.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How To - Make a looping menu (SBD 5.1.2).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How To - Name a GPR.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How To - Prepare for Dual Layer.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How To - Track PG streams in HDMV (SBD 4.5).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How To - Use BDCMF Creator 2.5.1.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How To - Use SetButtonPage command in a Menu.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How to associate PG and Secondary Audio Streams with PiP (Secondary Video) streams.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How to associate PG Streams with PiP (Secondary Video) streams (SBD 5.0.1).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How to Author Dolby or DolbyTrueHD Seamless Connections (SBD 5.2).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How to Create an Auto-Actioned Invisible Button (SBD5.0.1).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How to delay the appearance of an Out of Mux IG (SBD 5.1.2) rev.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How to edit the contents of a BDJO using SBDJ (SBDJ 5.0).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How to Import BluPrint Keys into Safeguard.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How to link to a chapter (PlayListMark) and then close a popup menu (SBD 4.5).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How to Loop a Playlist using BDJ.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How to make DTS-HD Seamless Connections (SBD 5.1).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How to manage the Virtual Package using Scenarist BD (SBD 5.0.2).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How to organise IG Effects and import graphics for them (SBD 5 0 2).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How To Prepare an Image to be Burned in Scenarist 5.5 (SBD 5.5).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How to work out a playerТs profile in an HDMV Title (SBD 5.1).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How to work out a playerТs profile in an HDMV Title (SBD 5.2).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\How To Ц Assign Multiple Button Sounds Simultaneously (SBD 5.2).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\HOWTO - Installing and Using the FMXMounter application.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\HyperMux - the new Scenarist BD MUX-Image-CMF engine in Scenarist BD 5.5.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Invalid ATC_delta (SBD 5.5).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Layout Error on Dual Layer project in 5.2.1.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Miscellaneous IG Facts (SBD).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Mux error 'no clean break' at the end of AV stream (SBD 5.0.1).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Photoshop CS4 and Scenarist Designer PS 2.5 (manual installation) (SDES 2.5).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Pre-mastering for replication with Scenarist BD 5.1.3.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Pre-mastering for replication with Scenarist BD 5.2.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Problem - IG not showing up on players.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Problem - IG size of any line after coding exceeds the size of the line before coding.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Problem Ц Mux error Сno clean break at the end of AV streamТ.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\PSR 15 Determining Player Audio Capabilities.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Reference - Slowed Down Multiplexing Times and Trimmed Dolby Streams.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Reference - BD Country Codes.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Reference - BD Language Codes.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Reference - BDCMF types.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Reference - Bit budgeting and Encoding for 3D in CineVision.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Reference - Bit Budgeting for DTSMA audio streams.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Reference - Considerations for 3D Multiplexing.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Reference - ISAN Number (SBD 4.5.2).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Reference - Maximum number of objects on a Blu-ray Disc.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Reference - Paths for Scenarist BD Log Files.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Reference - Player Status Register (PSR) Values.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Reference - PSR 2 - PG_Text Stream and Set Stream Commands.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Reference - Release Notes Scenarist 5.6.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Reference - Resuming in HDMV.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Reference - The CPS Editor.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Reference - Using PSR 8 in Scenarist BD.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Reference - Video and Audio formats for Blu-ray Disc (SBD).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Reference Ц Guidelines for Bit Budgeting in Blu Ray.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Region coding in HDMV (SBD 4.5).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Replacing video assets in a Scenarist BD project (SBD 5.1.3).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Resuming in HDMV (SBD 4.5).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Running a script after MUX-image-CMF creation.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Running a script after MUX-image-CMF creation (SBD 5.2).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Setting the layer break in 3D Blu-ray Disc projects (SBD 5.5).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\The set range error. When cpb_removal_delay exists.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\THX Media Director and Scenarist BD.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - 3D Mux Error-The button in menu is out of bounds.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - Eclipse hangs when processing Sony CMFs (SBD 5.6.2).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - Eclipse reported problems with CPS.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - Error - Allocation Fail - Attempt to divide by zero.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - Error - PG Encode error(BDN Script Name).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - Error - SSIF allocation Error Fail at Condition 5.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - Error - SSIF Allocation Failed - Total BitRate higher than 64Mbps.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - ERROR - This stream needs the SPI file.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - Error - Video Buffer Underflows while multiplexing 3D clips.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - Error importing DTSHD.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - Error Laying out Projects that Worked in Older Versions Layers are Oversized.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - ERROR META2004 Disc Library Metadata.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - ES File Was Not Found.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - FMX Mounter fails to install or work properly.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - FMX Mounter repeats - check drive - check drive - etc.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - Images Mounted with FMX Mounter will not Play Back or Burn.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - MUX output file was not found.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - No video displayed in Scenarist QC on Win7.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - Replication Error BDCMF Clip Encryption status does not match CPS Unit.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - Seamless connections fail with 3-2 pulldown.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - Sony Verfier ERROR ESR3221 on a 3D project.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - Spec Error - Button Object - cannot have JumpObject and SetNVTimer command.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - Stuttering MVC Playback on some Players.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - Trimmed Dolby stream not replaced after MUX.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - 'Unhandled exception' in CPS Editor after entering ISAN.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - VC1 Clips Crash Scenarist BD when you open the Clip Editor.pdf
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    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Tutorial - Creating Duplicate IGs.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristBD_KB_Articles\Tutorial - Creating IG Effects.pdf
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    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\How can I verify the contents of my DLT with Scenarist (SSD).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\How do I change display colors in Scenarist Subtitle format (SSD).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\How do I force activate a button after a certain period of time (SSD).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\How do I make the same button highlight when my disc goes back to the menu (SSD).pdf
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    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\How To - Get SDI out of any NVIDIA card for simulation.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\How To - Get SDI playback from NVIDIA cards.pdf
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    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\How To - Setting the Layer Break.pdf
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    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\How to make 3.1.5 and earlier projects compliant with RipGuard.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\How to properly build a cell command (SSD).pdf
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    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\I cant seem to get the subtitles to turn off. What am I doing wrong (SSD).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\I would like button highlight numbers to reflect the chapter they represent (SSD).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\Importing subtitles in Scenarist SD 3.3.pdf
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    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\Problem - УINF is InvalidФ error following installation of Scenarist SD or ROM Formatter.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\Problem - УThe directory you selected is same as Target Directory. Please select another directory.Ф.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\Reference - Does Scenarist accept DTS audio files.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\Reference - Methods of Button Highlight Control.pdf
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    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\Reference - Sizes, in Bytes and Sectors of Single- and Dual-layer DVDs.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\Reference - Supported SSCRST types in Scenarist SD.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\RipGuard error 10040 in Scenarist Projects (SSD 3.1.5).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\Scenarist Simulation using Matrox Parhelia in PAL (SSD).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\Scenarist subtitle Editor produces incorrect bitmaps (SSD).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\Setting Button highlights in Scenarist SD (SSD 3.2.3).doc.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\Size of Vob file Mismatch - please contact technical support (SSD).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\Subtitles cut off on TV, but not computer (SSD).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\System clock has been reset to a time before the program was authorized.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - 16X9 Menu Highlights Incorrect in Simulation or Design Window.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - 16X9 Menu Highlights Incorrect in Simulation or Design Window rev.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - Crash on inserting Keylok Dongle with Drivers Installed.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - Error - LeadIn file could not be opened. Failure writing PlantDirect Image or DVDR.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - Error - Stream Data Resolution or Drop Type not Match with the Existing Data.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - Error - The bits compressed for one line is more than 1440 Subpicture Encoder.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - Error (Audio type) (file name) resolution or drop type does not match the existing data.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\TROUBLESHOOT - Multiplexing error when disabling Audio Stream Availability Flag in a Title.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - Resolving Instability Issues.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - ROM Formatter unable to detect DLT drive.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - Subpicture Streams DonТt Show up on Disk.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\Tutorial - Disabling User Operations Ц UOPs.pdf
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    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\Tutorial - THX Media DirectorЩ and Scenarist SD.pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\What are the specifications for preparing Line 21 closed captions for Scenarist (SSD).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\What is the correct procedure for creating a Dummy chapter stop for a layer break (SSD).pdf
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    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\With 2054 bytes per sector, can I get more data on the disc than 2048 bytes per sector (SSD).pdf
    KB_Articles\ScenaristSD_KB_Articles\WNASPI.dll missing (SSD).pdf
    KB_Articles\TotalCode Enterprise\Job and Task Priorities in detail (TCE 2.0).pdf
    KB_Articles\TotalCode Enterprise\Job starts before file has finished copying to watchfolder (TCE 2.0).pdf
    KB_Articles\TotalCode Enterprise\ReelDVD KB article compilation.pdf
    KB_Articles\TotalCode Enterprise\Troubleshoot - Error - Unable to initialise Quicktime Environment 2093 in encoded video.pdf
    KB_Articles\TotalCode Enterprise\Tutorial - Total Code Enterprise Quickstart _.pdf
    KB_Articles\TotalCodeProfessional_CineVision_KB_Articles\CineVision crashing when selecting QuickTime reference file as source (CV 2.6.3).pdf
    KB_Articles\TotalCodeProfessional_CineVision_KB_Articles\Cinevision SD menu animations that match DVD Creator and Fusion still menus (CV 2.6.2).pdf
    KB_Articles\TotalCodeProfessional_CineVision_KB_Articles\Error - runtime error - illegal value for rule - VideoEncoder in rulebook AVGenCtrl -3 encode set up for DVD Video.pdf
    KB_Articles\TotalCodeProfessional_CineVision_KB_Articles\Error- Multiple source files and memory allocation error in CineVision (CV 2.0.1).pdf
    KB_Articles\TotalCodeProfessional_CineVision_KB_Articles\Interlaced source or encoded video playback issues (CV 2.6.1).pdf
    KB_Articles\TotalCodeProfessional_CineVision_KB_Articles\Problem - Failure to get playback from NVIDIA card when a DeckLink card is installed.pdf
    KB_Articles\TotalCodeProfessional_CineVision_KB_Articles\Reference - Adaptive Quantization and Bitrates.pdf
    KB_Articles\TotalCodeProfessional_CineVision_KB_Articles\Reference - Bit budgeting and Encoding for 3D in CineVision.pdf
    KB_Articles\TotalCodeProfessional_CineVision_KB_Articles\Reference - CineVision input files and pixel formats.pdf
    KB_Articles\TotalCodeProfessional_CineVision_KB_Articles\Reference - Constrained vs Unconstrained Sources and TotalCode Professional Decoding.pdf
    KB_Articles\TotalCodeProfessional_CineVision_KB_Articles\Reference - Finding Log Files for CineVision.pdf
    KB_Articles\TotalCodeProfessional_CineVision_KB_Articles\Reference - Increasing RAM allocation in 32 bit systems.pdf
    KB_Articles\TotalCodeProfessional_CineVision_KB_Articles\Reference - Interlaced source or encode video playback issues rev.pdf
    KB_Articles\TotalCodeProfessional_CineVision_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - CineVision rejects base and dependent MOV files as not matching.pdf
    KB_Articles\TotalCodeProfessional_CineVision_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - Crash and Internal software error while opening an already encoded session.pdf
    KB_Articles\TotalCodeProfessional_CineVision_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - Encodes start normally and then jump back to the beginning of the source (TCP 3.6.4).pdf
    KB_Articles\TotalCodeProfessional_CineVision_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - ERROR - It's not possible to encode to MVC for Blu-Ray Disk 3D.pdf
    KB_Articles\TotalCodeProfessional_CineVision_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - Error- Digital Vision Filters Failed to Load or Initialize Correctly.pdf
    KB_Articles\TotalCodeProfessional_CineVision_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - Seamless connections fail with 3-2 pulldown.pdf
    KB_Articles\TotalCodeProfessional_CineVision_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - Source preview video looks distorted.pdf
    KB_Articles\TotalCodeProfessional_CineVision_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot - Stuttering MVC Playback on some Players.pdf
    KB_Articles\TotalCodeProfessional_CineVision_KB_Articles\Troubleshoot Ц Added Frames at the Start of Encodes.pdf
    KB_Articles\TotalCodeProfessional_CineVision_KB_Articles\TroubleShooting Ц Source and Encode Window Brightness Mismatch.pdf
    KB_Articles\TotalCodeProfessional_CineVision_KB_Articles\Tutorial - How to Turn off Gamma in Quicktime on a PC to Attain Correct Video Levels.pdf
    KB_Articles\TotalCodeProfessional_CineVision_KB_Articles\Tutorial - THX Media Director and CineVision.pdf
    KB_Articles\TotalCodeProfessional_CineVision_KB_Articles\Using AviSynth to Match Colours from Mac QuickTime Source Files in CineVision.pdf

    Последний раз редактировалось Mowny Devam; 24.05.2015 в 14:18.
  8. #1967
    Пошли релизы 6.хх (без лекарства само собой)

    Ну и альфа Scenarist UHD Alpha 1 в узком кругу зарелизена:

    Обновлённый Scenarist BD User Guide — Rev A (03/15):
  9. #1968
    @tymoxa, большое спасибо и респект. Добавил ссылку в FAQ.
  10. #1969
    tymoxa, я так понимаю софт на сайте это лишь обнова, поэтому нет ссылки на неё здесь?

    Насчёт юльтра версии и узкого круга, то как я понял pdf документа нам пока не увидеть. Интересно просто глянуть на Юзер Гид Альфы, так как 6.0.1 имеет всё то, что мы уже проходили.
  11. #1970
    я так понимаю софт на сайте это лишь обнова, поэтому нет ссылки на неё здесь?
    Софт - полноценная инсталляха. Только толку дистрибутив без лекарства выкладывать?

    Насчёт юльтра версии и узкого круга, то как я понял pdf документа нам пока не увидеть. Интересно просто глянуть на Юзер Гид Альфы, так как 6.0.1 имеет всё то, что мы уже проходили.
    Правильно понял. Но Юзер Гид от 6.0.1 всё таки интересен в плане добавленной информации по 3D.

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