Для общей многокамерной съёмки RE:Match делает, чтобы внешний вид цвета одной последовательности, насколько это возможно, совпадал с другой.
Для стерео пары RE:Match может дополнительно уточнить общий матч цвета, принимая во внимание, что оба вида засняты в одно и то же время с относительно небольшим расстоянием между видами. Кроме того, работа RE:Match может распространяться на изменение цвета в областях, которые присутствуют только в одном виде. RE:Match также может сделать другие детали, такие как отражения, блики, и световые эффекты согласованными между этими двумя видами.
- Ability to globally color correct one sequence to match another.
- Ability to globally color correct a whole sequence based on a particular point in time, or can be performed separately for each pair of frames in both sequences.
- Ability to perform automatic global (whole image) color correction based on a smaller window of pixels for each of the image sequences.
- Works well with over bright values and very wide dynamic ranges.
- Matching for stereo pairs takes advantage of internal per-pixel registration using optical flow methods.
- Stereo pair matching takes into account occlusions.
- Stereo pair matching takes into account that the two images may not have corresponding details at some of the edges of the frame.
- Stereo matching has controls for making details, such as reflections, lens flares and specular highlights match between the two views.
- Methods provided to remove or attenuate on-lens artifacts (such as water drops on a lens).
- Because RE:Match uses internal pixel registration, stereo matching does not require image alignment prior to use.
- Visualization modes are provided to visualize and guide what RE:Match is doing internally.
- Not limited to any particular resolution of images.
- Works on all bit depths, including HDR images.
- Windows Vista, 7, 8 and up
- Adobe After Effects CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC, CC 2014 and CC 2015.
- Adobe Premiere Pro CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC, CC 2014 and CC 2015. However we highly recommend using CS6 and up, because some functions within PP CS5 and CS5.5 are not supported.
What's new in version 1.4.0:
- Version needed to run in AE CC 2015
- Fixes Histogram method 2 to work much better in both RE:Match Color and RE:Match Stereo.
- Better results when refinement mode used in RE:Match Stereo
- Adds support for RVL_NOGUI_LIC and RVL_QUIT_LIC_FAIL environment variables during render-only use in After Effects.