FRIM "all" 1.18
- compiled on Win 8 --> D3D11 allowed
- processing info message now reports correct number of processed frames (for "mvc" NOT(!) multiplied by 2 anymore)
- added parameter "-start firstFrame" (for processing), together with "-length" allows decode/encode portions of the videostream
optionally, SMPTE format is allowed: -start 00:01:25:14 -length 00:00:05:07
- unified option naming: "-sw" or "-hw", "-d3d", "-d3d11"
- running platform is now detected automatically, i.e. "software mode" (using libmfxsw32.dll) is not default anymore!
To force "software" you MUST specify "-sw" option
- fixed information message about running platform (SOFTWARE, HARDWARE - D3D9 or D3D11 now displayed correctly)
- default GOP structure was set to "24-4-0-Open" for h264 and mvc (and 24-3-0-Open for MPEG2) for better compatibility with -hw option
FRIM Encoder 1.18
FRIM Decoder 1.18
- option "-b" removed, use "-cbr" instead
- change of syntax of "-i" and "-o" to be unified with FRIM Transcoder
(see related FRIM*coder_readme.pdf !)
FRIM Transcoder 1.18
- KNOWN BUG: when parameter "-length" is used then it adds from unknown reasons few frames (~3) more then requested
- FEATURE: Joined and linked sessions with "-hw" MUST use the same type of d3d memory (either -d3d or -d3d11)!
System memory cannot be used in such case!
Reason: HARDWARE library (libmfxhw32.dll) is loaded and shared among sessions.
- parameter "-f" overwrites encoding part of the session only
(remark: options -start, -length are related to decoding part of the session)